World War 2 | War History

Hugh Seagrim, Who Fought WW2 from Behind Japanese Lines

In the small Karen village of Mewado, Burma, two men stood smoking cigarettes. The owner of the cigarettes, Captain Inoue, was an officer in the…

Advance on Canae: The World War Two Invasion of Crete

The invasion of Crete was an impressive campaign of WWII. A significant battle during the seizure was the advance on Canae. German paratroopers fought fiercely…

How Tanks Decided The First And Second World Wars

The concept of a military tank was not particularly new in 1916. However, the ability to move troops safely through combat territories with a vehicle…

Covert German Military Growth During The Interwar Years

Following WWI, the Treaty of Versailles was forced upon the defeated Germans by the victorious Allies. To prevent future German aggression, it set strict rules…

A Soldier’s Noble Quest to Return a War Medal to its Rightful Owner

This is the story of how a young soldier’s passion for collecting antiques led to a quest to reunite lost war medals with their owners…

In World War Two, The Germans Had Big Plans – Here Are Five Which Did Not Succeed

Throughout WWII, Adolf Hitler’s political ambitions interfered with his plans. Several high-profile military operations were canceled, sometimes against the advice of his commanders. Operation Sealion…

SS Panzer General Sepp Dietrich – one of the principal German tank commanders of WWII

Josef “Sepp” Dietrich was one of the principal German tank commanders of WWII. An SS officer and veteran of WWI, he came from a working…

5 Hidden War Messages That Weren’t Found Until Much, Much Later

Messages from the front lines of war or from soldiers currently fighting were, and still are, sent home on a regular basis. Some of these…

The Rosary Paratrooper – Friedrich August Freiherr von der Heydte

WWII saw paratroopers become an important part of warfare for the first time. Among the most gifted paratroop commanders was Friedrich August Freiherr von der…

“Smiling Albert” Kesselring; a German General of World War Two

Albert Kesselring had one of the most wide-ranging careers of WWII. A skilled German commander, he was fondly referred to by his admirers as “Smiling…

Germany and Italy in WWII – A Difficult Relationship

Germany and Italy had the most powerful and outspoken far-right governments in inter-war Europe. They were the main Axis powers in Europe in WWII. Their…

The Careers of These Soldiers Were Transformed by the Arrival of Tanks

In 1917, a new weapon appeared on the battlefields of WWI. First developed by the British, the tank was adopted by both sides as they…