World War 2 | War History

The Czechoslovakian Crisis: Conquering a Country Without the Use of an Army

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Joseph M. Durante In 1938 the German speaking areas of Czechoslovakia, also known as the Sudetenland,…

Life in Hitler’s Wartime Headquarters

During WWII, Adolf Hitler governed Germany from a series of specially prepared bases. Often located far from cities and the front lines, those places took…

Bringing Home The 8 Million After WWII; Operation Magic Carpet

Elly Farelly

Victory in Europe – what happens next? After victory had been declared in Europe and the Second World War had come to an end with…

Nine Reasons Why Hitler Believed That D-Day Was a Feint

One of the most extraordinary things about the D-Day landings of 1944 was Hitler’s response. The German Fuhrer was utterly convinced the attack was a…

When Allies Fight: Operation Torch and the Taking of North Africa

North Africa was one of the great battlegrounds of the Second World War. From early on, British and Commonwealth forces faced German and Italian troops…

“Twenty-Two on Peleliu” – Four Pacific Campaigns with the Corps: The Memoirs of an Old Breed Marine

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Article from George Peto. This is what it was like to approach the bloody beaches of Peleliu. The following…

Why the Allies did not see Wehrmacht’s Ardennes Offensive coming

On December 16, 1944, Allied troops were caught by surprise. A massive offensive by German forces struck west out of the Ardennes region, smashing into…

10 Countries Invaded by Fascist Italy and Why They Invaded Each One

From the moment it was unified in the mid-19th century, Italy began to harbor dreams of empire. Under the fascist dictator Mussolini, these dreams were…

Wounded, Promoted, Decorated – Adolf Hitler in the First World War

Adolf Hitler is remembered for the terrible destruction of WWII. Before that, he served with courage in WWI. That first conflict deeply influenced his future.…

WWII Pilot & Commander Nancy Harkness Love: A Symbol of Pride, Passion and Perseverance

David Herold

Women have always proved their strength and abilities in all walks of life, and when it comes to flying airplanes, they haven’t fallen behind their…

Charles Rogers: Medal of Honor Recipient – Far too wounded to lead the counterattack again, Rogers continued to inspire and encourage his men in defense of the base

Jeff Edwards

In warfare, it is often the lower ranking enlisted men or junior officers that find themselves in a position to be awarded the nation’s highest…

The Nazi Invasion of the Balkans & Yugoslavia – A Costly Victory

In early 1941, Adolf Hitler could look at a map of Eastern Europe and think that his plans were progressing nicely. The invasion of the…