World War 2 | War History

Malta: The Island Nation That Heroically Defied Hitler’s Relentless War Machine In WWII

The George Cross remains one of the highest military honors that can be given in the United Kingdom.  Second only to the Victoria Cross, it…

Fleet Admiral Leahy, Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief Was Fiercely Opposed to Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan

Before the official establishment of the position of Joint Chiefs of Staff in the United States Military in 1947, there served a man who was…

Overrated Or The Only Man For The Job – The Meteoric Rise Of General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Speaking of Eisenhower, Field Marshal Lord Montgomery once said “nice chap, no general.”  General George Patton once lamented that it was too bad that Eisenhower…

The Japanese Diplomat Who Saved Thousands of Lives During WWII

Chiune Sugihara, better known as Sempo, was a Japanese diplomat who came to prominence during WWII. Sugihara was responsible for saving the lives of thousands…

Korean Soldier Fought in Pacific, Eastern Front, and D-Day for Axis and Allies and 3 Separate Countries

Many men have the honor of saying they fought for their country in the global struggle known as World War 2.  However, not many men…

The Gray Ranks – The Fighting Boy-Scouts Of The Polish WWII Resistance

When people think of boy scouts what is the first thing that comes to mind? Setting up a tent? Singing songs around the fire? Wearing…

Much More Than Code Talking – The Role of Native Americans in WWII

Native Americans made an enormous contribution to the World War II effort. Sadly, their involvement in the conflict is widely overlooked. Sometimes, they are portrayed…

The Early Days Of Drones – Unmanned Aircraft From WWI & WWII

Unmanned aerial vehicles, popularly known as drones, are most often associated with airstrikes in modern warfare, but their history goes much further back than that.…

Reinhard Heydrich’s Mercedes – Found In A Garage, Carefully Restored, Then Sold at Auction

On June 26th, the Danish Auction Company, Campen Auctioneer, auctioned off what may very well be the car that Reinhard Heydrich owned and suffered fatal wounds…

6 Great American Pilots of WWII’s African Campaigns

Air power was an important part of WWII. For the American pilots who traveled to North Africa to fight the Axis powers, it was a…

The Day Japan Lost Her Airforce – “Why, hell, it was just like an old-time turkey shoot down home”

“Why, hell, it was just like an old-time turkey shoot down home!” This comment from a pilot from the USS Lexington refers to the Battle…

‘Operation Mincemeat’ used a dead drunk’s corpse to fool the Germans in WW2, most amazing spy story

World War II was fought on battlefields across the globe, with staggering numbers of casualties amassing on all sides. But under the cloak of darkness,…