World War 2 | War History

The B-24 Liberator: The Most Produced Bomber In History

B-24 Bomber

The B-24 Liberator was one of the US’ primary heavy bombers of WWII. It fought alongside the legendary B-17 but has since been overshadowed by…

American GI Gave Holocaust Survivor Hope With Small Gesture

Lily Ebert with Dov Forman + Hyman Schulman on a telephone

Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert faced the worst humanity could throw at her when she was taken from her home in Hungary and transported to Auschwitz.…

The Battle of the Bismarck Sea Made It Mandatory for Japanese Soldiers to Know How to Swim

Aerial view of a ship in the middle of the Bismarck Sea

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941, the United States and its allies in the Pacific were subjected to a series…

Incredible Images Show the Ruins of World War II’s First Battle

German soldiers walking through the muddy remains of a wooded area

In a tiny peninsula outside of the Free City of Danzig, ruins can still be found from the first battle of World War II. On…

Lunge Mine’s Were A Terrifying Japanese Weapon That Claimed The Lives Of Its Users

lunge mine example

During WWII, Japan was famous for its suicidal attacks against its enemies. Although to many this may seem strange, Japan understood the overwhelming odds they…

Remains Found In B-17 Wreckage Identified As Missing WWII Pilot

Military portrait of Ernest N. Vienneau + B-17 Flying Fortress in the air

The remains of United States Army Air Force 2nd Lieutenant Ernest N. Vienneau have officially been identified. The news follows a joint-recovery mission by the…

The Story Behind Ejector Seats And The Man Who Pioneered The Industry

The invention of the ejection seat is one of the biggest milestones for aviation safety in the history of flight. Before ejection seats, exiting an…

The Women Who Decoded German Enigma At Bletchley Park

Two WRENS working on a Colossus computer + the exterior of Bletchley Park

The work done at Buckinghamshire’s Bletchley Park is credited with shortening World War II by between two and four years. The UK’s greatest minds worked…

The Bizarre Connection Between Bungee Jumping And The Allied Military

Bungee jumping is one of those things that make people stop and wonder how in the world was this activity ever discovered? Modern-day bungee jumping…

When Japan sent Young School Girls into the Battle of Okinawa

The Okinawa Campaign

In March of 1945, as the end of the Second World War was nearing, the US attacked the island of Okinawa. Capturing Okinawa was vitally…

Paratrooper Bicycles Were Incredibly Popular And Featured A Brilliant Design

Folding Paratrooper Bike

As if jumping out of an aircraft laden with parachutes, equipment, and a weapon while under enemy fire wasn’t daring enough, some British paratroopers made…

USS Wake (PR-3): The US Navy Gunboat Taken Captive By the Japanese During WWII

USS Guam (PG-43) at sea

For being a relatively small river gunboat, the USS Wake (PR-3) had a surprisingly long history. Initially put into service in 1927, the vessel was…