World War 2 | War History

Wargaming Unveils its First Virtual Reality Tank Battle Reenactment


360° experience produced in cooperation with Google immerses viewers in a historic 1941 battle recreation September 30, 2015 — Wargaming today released “1941 Battle: 360°…

Bergen-Belsen liberator launches memoir as part of Holocaust National Memorial

A World War Two veteran who took part in the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp has published his own memoirs to ensure the story…

Everything You Want to Know About Tank Armament by World of Tanks


  How have tank guns developed over the years, and what are the different types of shells? Which mass-produced tank had the most powerful gun…

Heinz Heydrich, brother of SS General Reinhard Heydrich, helped Jews escape the Holocaust after reading his brother’s files after Reinhard’s death.

Heinz Siegfried Heydrich  was the son of Richard Bruno Heydrich and the younger brother of SS General Reinhard Heydrich. After the death of his brother,…

The White Death – World’s Greatest Sniper – Fast Facts!

There have been many great snipers in history and who can take the title of the greatest is a topic of debate. However, if you…

Did You Know? One of the last SS units to hold out defending Hitler’s bunker in Berlin was comprised entirely of Frenchmen

Jack Beckett

  The French volunteers of the Second World War constituted an entirely separate division in the Wehrmacht, and after that the Waffen-SS which consisted of…

After A Mid Air Collision – One Pilot Lands Two Planes AT ONCE!

In 1940, two planes collided in mid-air over Australia. Remarkably, there were no fatalities. Even more remarkably, the pilot responsible for saving the planes was…

The Night Fighter Ace Who Shot Down 7 Lancaster Bombers In 19 Minutes

Once you know the story of Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer, it’s pretty hard to forget. Schnaufer was an incredibly skilled pilot. He was arguably the best fighter…

Two Soviet infantrymen frozen to death in their foxhole, Freezing to death is one of the most peaceful & non-violent ways of natural dying

Jack Beckett

Warning graphic content, click to see In the years 1939 and 1940, the Soviet Union and Finland were at war. The smaller Finnish army proved…

Victoria Cross: Took on 20 Taliban fighters, dodged “raking” machine fire to rescue a stricken US Marine

Jack Beckett

For saving the life of a US Marine, Briton Lance Corporal Joshua Leakey became the first living soldier to win the Victoria Cross for his…

Milne Bay – The first Japanese Land Defeat of the Second World War

Reprinted with permission from Australian Bunker and Military Museum Milne Bay is located on the south-eastern tip of Papua. Before World War II, most of the area’s…

BEAUTIFUL BUT DEADLY! The Fresh Faced Young Girls That Fought For Stalin

Soviet women played a major role in World War II  on the Eastern Front. While most women worked in the industry, agriculture, transport, and other…