Jack Beckett

Jack Beckett has been editor since 2012. Huge fan of war history and rural history and a motorbike rider.

facebook.com/jack.beckett.73 instagram.com/history_bloke_on_a_bike/ linkedin.com/in/jack-beckett-56a76520/

Articles by Jack Beckett:

Have You Ever Seen Anything Like These Crazy WW2 Weapons?

Towards the end of World War II, Nazi scientists and engineers were working on a number of destructive and innovative devices. The Germans were losing…

Wounded, He Sacrificed Himself to Clear the way for his Platoon – James Stokes, VC

Private James Stokes’ thirtieth birthday was February 6th, 1945. On the 1st of March, less than one month later, he came to the end of…

OH YES! 10 Strangest WWII Unsolved Mysteries – number 6 Is creepy, number 9 Is Sad

There has been an interesting discussion with regards to the Nazi Gold Train, which was possibly discovered. If the gold train does exist, it could…

Top 14 Vietnam War Movies – Have You Seen Them All?

War movies always trigger our imagination, they tell the tales of heroism and defeat, of leaders who win battles and cowards who lose them. It…

4 Times When Running Away Was the Better Than Standing And Fighting

The Spartan stand at Thermopylae is greatly celebrated, both when it happened and to the modern day. Those men were destined to perish as soon…

“The greatest fighter pilot story of WWII” held off 30 German fighters from attacking a squadron of B-17 bombers for over half an hour

During WWII, he single-handedly protected a bomber squadron against German planes… even when he ran out of ammo. They called him the “One Man Airforce”…

The largest battlefield isn’t on land, it’s on the seabed. Dr Innes McCartney has mapped the whole battlefield for his new book

HMS Invincible sinking The Battle of Jutland was the largest naval battle and the only full-scale clash of battleships in the First World War. Even though…

The Forgotten Campaign: The WWII Aleutian Islands Campaign

WWII had some very distinct theaters of war. When people think of the war in the Pacific thoughts, go to the sprawling jungles of Guadalcanal…

It’s True! A toilet was used as an aerial bomb during the Vietnam War

On November 4, 1965, some Vietnamese came across a very strange object that looked as if it had been dropped from the sky. Was it…

The End of an Era – The Sack of Rome

Rome, the city that had ruled the world, was in chaos. To the north-west, a great pillar of dirty smoke rose skywards from the Gardens…

You know these, right?! 11 House Hold Names That Worked With The Nazis During WWII

Kodak The famous camera company’s German branch actually used slave labor from German concentration camps. Several European branches of Kodak did extensive business with the…

When the former commander Treblinka, Kurt Franz, was arrested in 1959, a search of his home yielded a scrapbook with horrific photos of the massacre titled “Beautiful Years”

Kurt Hubert Franz (born on 17 January 1914 — died on 4 July 1998) was an officer of the SS and one of many commanders…