Jesse Beckett

Jesse is a U.K.-based writer for Tank Roar, passionate about military history and storytelling through digital content. With a special focus on tanks and ships, Jesse brings a deep enthusiasm for historical narratives to every piece.

Articles by Jesse Beckett:

The CIA Probably Wishes These Facts About the Agency Remained Classified

Men standing in the CIA's headquarters

With secrecy being one of the CIA’s primary objectives, it’s not exactly surprising that us everyday citizens know rather little about the agency’s activities, even…

Brig. Gen. Martin Green Bragged About His Invincibility – He Was Quickly Proven Wrong

Painting of the fighting at the Siege of Vicksburg + Military portrait of Martin Green

The sheer scale of the American Civil War meant a number of seemingly improbable events occurred. Among them were bullets colliding and fusing in mid-air,…

Battle of Medina Ridge: One of the Largest Tank Battles in US History

Battle of Medina Ridge

The day after the Battle of 73 Easting, which has become known as the “the last great tank battle of the 20th century,” the US…

Henry Johnson: The Forgotten Hero Who Fought Off Dozens of German Soldiers

Illustration of William Henry Johnson fighting German soldiers in a forest + Military portrait of William Henry Johnson

Despite the large array of medals and decorations created to honor those who perform incredible acts of bravery, many are never recognized for their actions.…

The Lockheed XF-90: The Penetration Fighter That Never Was

Lockheed XF-90 in flight

At the beginning of the Cold War, the US predicted nuclear weapons would be used in the next major conflict. The Lockheed XF-90 was designed…

The Cruiser Aurora Signaled the Start of the Russian Revolution

Aurora at sea

The October Revolution was one of the key events of the larger Russian Revolution, and the Russian cruiser Aurora signaled its start. Constructed at the…

Mauser C96: One of Germany’s Most Iconic Firearms

Austro-Hungarian pilot sitting in the cockpit with 10 Mauser C96s + Mauser C96 on a white table

The Mauser C96 is an iconic firearm that is one of three extremely famous pistols to come out of Germany, with the others being the…

The Skipjack-Class Gave the US Navy An Edge in Underwater Combat

USS Shark at sea

The Skipjack-class of American submarine was developed in the 1950s, bringing about a host of revolutionary features that became standard for future vessels. Named after…

The Uzi was One of the World’s Most Popular Submachine Guns

Uzi on a white blanket + Israeli infantry soldier holding an Uzi

The Uzi submachine gun is a weapon famous the world over. An icon of cinema, it’s of choice for gangsters, policemen and, of course, the…

The USS Antietam (CV-36) Earned Two Battle Stars During the Korean War

USS Antietam at sea

The USS Antietam (CV-36) was a member of the Essex-class of American aircraft carriers built during World War II. The class overall was very successful,…

Here’s Why Flying Aircraft Carriers Didn’t Work

USS Akron in flight

Since World War II, aircraft carriers have been a naval staple, due to their ability to carry immense firepower and attack targets hundreds of miles…

Sidney Shachnow: The Holocaust Survivor Who Became a Green Beret

Prisoners making saddles + Military portrait of Sidney Shachnow

Sidney Shachnow was a Lithuanian Jew who experienced – and survived – the Holocaust. Imprisoned in the Kovno Ghetto during World War II, he suffered…