Dwight Johnson: Medal of Honor Recipient and Vietnam War Hero
On January 15, 1968, Dwight Johnson transformed into a one-man army after the tank he was driving became immobilized while under intense enemy fire. He…
Eric James Brindley Nicolson Showed Great Skill In a Showdown with a Bf 110
Eric James Brindley Nicolson was a member of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) who was awarded the nation’s highest honor: the Victoria Cross. As…
Leonard Funk: One of the Most Decorated Paratroopers of World War II
On September 5, 1945, Leonard Funk Jr. was awarded the United States’ highest distinction: the Medal of Honor. He earned the award during action earlier…
Drew Dix: The First Special Forces Member to Receive the Medal of Honor
Drew Dix was an American Special Forces member who famously fought in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive. Dix successfully fought his way through a city…
Hundreds of WWII-Era Munitions Detonated Off Okinawa
After the discovery of hundreds of WWII munitions this year leftover from the Battle of Okinawa, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force has begun to destroy…
The Tragic Crash that Took Out the B-24 “Hot Stuff” and Its Crew
Over three months before the B-17 Memphis Belle completed 25 missions, the B-24 Liberator “Hot Stuff” had already returned home from its 25th mission. The…
The Second World War Helped Launch Dick Van Dyke’s Acting Career
Is the fountain of youth real? A lot of movie fans seem to think it is. Actors like Paul Rudd, Jenifer Aniston and, of course,…
Here’s Why the US Didn’t Attempt To Match Russia’s Titanium Submarines
In 1968 the Soviet Union produced a revolutionary new class of submarines; the Alfa-class. These vessels incorporated a number of advanced and innovative features that…
Why Do US Navy Sailors Have 13-Button Pants?
Navies across the world have traditions, some dating back hundreds of years. Many are so old that their origins have long since been forgotten. However,…
4 Military Advances In Weapons and Machines that Helped Britain Win Battles For Hundreds Of Years
Great Britain has been involved in scraps all over the world for centuries. In fact, it’s estimated that Britain has used military force against or…
These 4 Weapons Created For Combat Were Cheap But Ingenious Game Changers
Sometimes, no matter how tactically adept a military force may be, if an opponent suddenly shows up with a particularly advanced or capable weapon, it…
Stanley Hollis: The Only British Soldier to Earn the Victoria Cross for his Actions on D-Day
Since it was introduced only 1,358 Victoria Crosses have been awarded. One of these was to Stanley Hollis, a soldier in the British Army who…