Jay Hemmings

Jay Hemmings is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Jay Hemmings:

The English Longbow: Machine Gun Of The Medieval Era

The heavy war arrows used by English longbowmen were able to penetrate leather and cloth armor, iron plate armor, and even some types of steel…

From Conscientious Objector To Medal Of Honor War Hero

York’s battalion was charged with capturing a number of German machine gun positions situated on the other side of a valley. Rare is the pacifist…

Coca-Cola: Morphine Replacement And a By Product of the American Civil War!

This addiction to morphine would be what drove Pemberton to invent Coca-Cola. While not too many people nowadays may know who John Stith Pemberton was,…

WWI And The Paranormal: Spooky Tales From The Trenches

Certainly, men who were rendered insane by shellshock sometimes wandered aimlessly about No Man’s Land, screaming incoherently or moaning. Whether you’re a believer in the…

The Zippo Lighter: An Icon Of The Vietnam War

After an American M1 combat helmet with an ace of spades tucked into the strap, probably the next most iconic cultural image associated with the…

Remember The Alamo! The Truths And Myths Surrounding The Battle

“Remember the Alamo!” is perhaps one of the most famous battle cries in American history. It’s derived from the Battle of the Alamo in San…

The WWII POW Who Sank A German Ship With A Milk Tin!

The role of South African troops in the Second World War has sometimes been forgotten, even though they were involved in many of the Allies’…

The American Doolittle Raid And The Brutal Japanese Reprisals

“they shot any man, woman, child, cow, hog, or just about anything that moved. Before burning the town they thoroughly looted it.” The Japanese attack…

Maynard Harrison Smith Was Given Two Options: Go to Jail or Join the Army – He Wound Up Receiving the Medal of Honor

Henry L. Stimson placing the Medal of Honor around Maynard Harrison Smith's neck

Often, war brings out traits in people they never quite knew they possessed. The most outwardly confident and confrontational individuals can turn out to be…

The WW2 Fighter Ace Who Broke the Sound Barrier in Secret

Yeager almost didn’t survive his first few combat missions in which he flew a P-51 Mustang. Shortly after he got his first confirmed aerial kill,…

Warrior of Skies That Downed 352 Allied Aircraft, The Worlds Greatest Flying Ace

Despite his cavalier attitude and lack of discipline, Hartmann’s training officers realized that he was an immensely talented pilot, and tolerated his behavior. 352 confirmed…

The Condom-An Unlikely War Necessity

They came in tins with rather amusing names and packaging: Sheikh, Saxon, Peacock, Ramses and other exotic-sounding names. Few items are as ubiquitous these days…