Joseph O'Brien

Joseph O’Brien is a Military History and Firearms Expert located in the Midwest. After receiving a B.A. in History, O’Brien has worked in the retail firearms business as well as branching out into militaria/firearms appraisal and movie armorer work. He has written on a wide variety of topics and eras, and is always looking to increase his knowledge and collections of militaria. O’Brien has been recognized nationally by organizations, including the Association of the United States Army, and multiple museums for his outstanding knowledge and passion for Military history.

Education B.A. History St. Norbert College

Military History, Firearms and Militaria Expert

Rockton, IL


Articles by Joseph O'Brien:

The Korean Soldier who was Captured on D-day Fighting for Germany

It is unknown what purpose the Russians intended with him, but he was likely used as service or a supply soldier. When the allies stormed…

Tiger Tanks & Tea: The British Cup of Char in War

A method needed to be found where crews could remain in their vehicle and alert while preparing their staple afternoon tea. Britain is known for…

LST 510: Landed Tanks on D-Day is Now a Converted Car Ferry

Among their crews it was joked that LST stood for “Large Slow Target.” The D-Day operation took place almost eighty years ago. Practically every single…

What Would Have Happened to Him if The Soviets Had Captured Hitler?

The world would have been invited, friend and foe alike, to witness Soviet justice upon this man. On May 1945, in his headquarters in Berlin,…

Sex Outside of Marriage: Lebensborn, How Hitler Planned a Master Race

Most of the smaller children were taken away from their parents before they were old enough to comprehend what was even happening. The Third Reich…

Battle of the Bulge: Patton Ordered The Priest to Pray For Clear Weather, The Weather Subsequently Cleared

The Battle of the Bulge was Hitler’s last desperate gamble to win the war on the Western Front. It was 1944, and Hitler’s armies were…

The Amazing SS Ohio That Saved The Mediterranean The Captain Was Awarded The George Cross

The Mediterranean theater during World War II witnessed many dramatic operations—none more so than Operation Pedestal in August 1942. It came about because the island…

Keeping Enigma Secret From The Germans – Many Lives Were Lost Sacrificed Doing So

How cracking the German Enigma code impacted on the course of the war cannot be understated. Cracking the code was possibly the greatest intelligence coup…

Soviet Minefield Clearance: Did They Really Use Human Beings?

The Red Army had a reputation for being fairly profligate with its manpower. The way that it conducted operations in World War II was no…

How Prevalent Was Looting by US Troops During WWII?

When you hear the terms “World War II” and “looting” you usually think of the Axis powers taking anything they pleased from conquered nations. German…

The True Story That Inspired The Movie Black Hawk Down (With the Super 6-1 Footage)

Many people have seen the blockbuster action flick Black Hawk Down. Mixed in among all the Hollywood action and big movie stars is a tale…

The Mighty Iowa-Class Ships, Formidable Weapons

Is there still a place for battleships in modern naval combat? Were these great steel beasts sent out to pasture too soon? Commissioned in World…