A ‘Spooky’ Aircraft Known as Puff, the Magic Dragon – The Story of the Douglas AC-47
“Puff, the Magic Dragon” wasn’t just a popular ’60s song by Peter, Paul and Mary, it was also the nickname for the Douglas AC-47 Spooky,…
Alexander Hamilton Jr. Skillfully Avenged His Father’s Death
The entire world knows the name ‘Alexander Hamilton’ thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway musical Hamilton. Because of this musical, the whole world also knows about…
How Did Bravo Zulu Come To Mean ‘Well Done?’
The military can be a rather thankless place. So when you do get a compliment, it should be celebrated. Arguably, the most famous form of…
Canadian Army to Prepare New Ethos and Dress Code as Recruitment Continues to Fall
Despite having a world-class military, recruitment for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has dwindled over the past few years. As such, its leadership hopes a…
Is Fort Hood The Most Dangerous Military Base In The United States?
Like everything in Texas, Fort Hood is huge. Today, Fort Hood is one of the largest military bases in the entire world. Located just outside…
Wild Weasels Undertake the US Air Force’s Most Dangerous Missions
There is nothing we love more than a good motto! The unofficial slogan for the US Air Force’s Wild Weasel crew is “YGBSM” – an…
The Myth That Carrots Are Good for Your Eyes Came from a WWII Propaganda Campaign
When I was younger, my parents always told me that carrots would give me better eyesight. Much to their surprise, even though I ate the…
Jim Morrison’s Father Played a Role In the Gulf of Tonkin Incident
For hardcore fans of The Doors, it’s relatively well-known that lead singer Jim Morrison‘s father was a flag officer in the US Navy. A lesser-known…
The White House Added This Feature Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Since the cornerstone was laid in October 1792, the White House has always been looked upon as a symbol of freedom, openness and democracy. The…
Battle of St Eloi Craters: The Relatively Unknown Battle That Devastated the Canadian Corps
Military historians have often overlooked the Battle of St Eloi Craters that occurred during the First World War. Perhaps this lack of interest is due…