Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

The Tragedy Of The Russian Submarine “Kursk” – A Naval Disaster For Russia In The Year 2000

The Kursk submarine disaster was the largest naval tragedy ever to happen in the Russian Federation during peacetime.  The country had been experiencing a lot of…

The Nuremberg Trials in 1945: The War Crimes Of The Wehrmacht

The Nuremberg Trials in 1945, established that the infamous SS were responsible for most Nazi war crimes. The Wehrmacht, consisting of the army, navy, and…

Operation Halyard: An Airlift Operation That Saved 417 Allied Airmen In The Balkans

During WWII, the situation in the former country known as Yugoslavia was, to say the least, complicated. On the one hand, there was a partisan…

The American T-95 Tank: The Story Of A Prototype

In a plan to replace the Patton M48 in the 1950s, the US Government experimented with another design to replace the iconic tank of the…

Solothurn Anti-Tank Rifle: A German Weapon That Almost Entered American Service During WWII

The rocket-propelled grenade launcher, a shoulder-fired anti-tank weapon, is in wide use today in conflicts around the world. Before its development, the weaponry used against…

Unconventional Designs And Challenging Builds – German Heavy Tank Destroyers At The End of WWII

When Ferdinand Porsche offered his designs for the Tiger II tank in 1939, it was deemed too unconventional. It was also considered too demanding to…

SS Officer Dirlewanger: A Violent Alcoholic, Sadist & One of the Worst Nazi War Criminals

The notorious 36th Waffen Grenadier Divison of the SS earned its appalling reputation mostly on the Eastern Front where they freely conducted numerous war crimes…

The American M18 Hellcat Was The Fastest and The Deadliest Allied Tank Destroyer In WW2

Apart from being the most effective American tank destroyer during WWII, the M18 Hellcat also held a speed record in the US tank arsenal until…

These Were The Best Pilots The German Luftwaffe Had During WWII

The Ace Fighter cult came to prominence during the First World War, which was the first conflict that utilized the use of aircraft in a…

This Crazy Soviet Pilot Flew a MiG 17 Under A Bridge

In 1965 an incredible stunt was pulled by a Soviet pilot named Valentin Privalov, who managed to fly his MiG 17 jet fighter under a…

We Ask If Anyone Was Really Neutral During WWII – The Story of Switzerland, Portugal and Sweden

The most destructive conflict in modern history certainly did not leave anyone unaffected. However, some countries – Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, and Spain – were never…

An English Pointer Named Judy Rescued British POWs from a Sinking Ship, Fought a Crocodile & Earned Three Medals

When the city of Singapore was under Japanese siege in 1942, the ships anchored in the harbor received orders to retreat and regroup in Allied…