Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

SS Officer Dirlewanger: A Violent Alcoholic, Sadist & One of the Worst Nazi War Criminals

The notorious 36th Waffen Grenadier Divison of the SS earned its appalling reputation mostly on the Eastern Front where they freely conducted numerous war crimes…

These Were The Best Pilots The German Luftwaffe Had During World War II

The Ace Fighter cult came to prominence during the First World War, which was the first conflict that utilized the use of aircraft in a…

Unconventional Designs And Challenging Builds – German Heavy Tank Destroyers At The End of World War II

When Ferdinand Porsche offered his designs for the Tiger II tank in 1939, it was deemed too unconventional. It was also considered too demanding to…

The Unlucky Soviet Nuclear Submarine K-19, Nicknamed “Hiroshima”

The misfortunes of the Soviet nuclear submarine K-19 could fit into some mariner’s folk tales of bad luck at sea. Even during its construction, a…

The British and Canadian Landings on D-Day – Gold, Sword, Juno

Today, the Normandy landings might be most associated with the iconic photos of Omaha Beach, but let us not forget that there were five sectors…

The Employees of the Danzig Post Office Fought the Germans For 15 Hours During the Invasion of Poland Before They Were Captured

In 1939, it was obvious that Nazi Germany was on the war path. Austria had been annexed just a year earlier, and so also was the…

The Death Match – Legendary Game of Death of Kiev vs Nazi Germany

Let’s dive into the past when playing football could’ve got you killed. In 1942, in occupied Ukraine, a football match was organized by the Nazi…

This WW2 Soviet Fighter Ace Had No Legs But Flew 86 Combat Missions And Shot Down 11 Luftwaffe Planes

Alexei Maresyev was a celebrated Soviet pilot and a Hero of the Soviet Union, who became famous for his determination to continue the fight, even…

Heinz Guderian, The Father Of The Blitzkrieg – The Officer Who Defied Hitler

The military genius of Heinz Guderian remains admirable even today, for it was his tactics that brought Germany its swift victory over Europe in the…

A Soviet Spy Who saved The “Big Three” at the Tehran Conference was 19 years old at the time

During the spy games of WWII, the result of the war was hanging by a thread. Gevorg Vartanian, a young Armenian who joined the Soviet…

Five Successful Missions of a Waffen SS Mastermind, Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny was one of Germany’s finest commandos. An engineer by profession, he tried to volunteer for the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), in the year…

The Day Japan Lost Her Airforce – “It was just like an old-time turkey shoot down home”

“Why, hell, it was just like an old-time turkey shoot down home!” This comment from a pilot from the USS Lexington refers to the Battle…