Nikola Budanovic

Nikola Budanovic is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Nikola Budanovic:

Some German Soldiers Did Not Surrender Until Months After the End of WW2

Germany finally capitulated on May 8th, 1945, leaving Europe in ruins, but at peace once again. First, Alfred Jodl prepared the ground by signing the…

Action T4 – Nazi ‘Euthanasia’ Programme That Murdered The Disabled and The Mentally Ill

In October 1939, Adolf Hitler signed a decree that enabled Nazi Germany to forcefully euthanize patients who they deemed were “unworthy of life”. After the…

Ed “Good Entertainer, but a Great Marine” McMahon Flew 85 Combat Missions in Korea

“Here’s Johnny!” That’s a quote probably best remembered from the Stanley Kubrick’s classic, The Shining, pronounced by Jack Nicolson’s character gone mad. But the phrase…

The Tragedy Of The Russian Submarine “Kursk” – A Naval Disaster For Russia In The Year 2000

The Kursk submarine disaster was the largest naval tragedy ever to happen in the Russian Federation during peacetime.  The country had been experiencing a lot of…

How a Single Trumpet Changed The Course of a Battle

When the Balkan Powder Keg was lit in 1912, war broke out. The peoples of the Balkan Peninsula were seeking independence from the Ottoman rule…

When 20 Canadian Prisoners Were Murdered By The Waffen SS In Normandy – The Ardenne Abbey Massacre

In the early days of the Normandy campaign 20 Canadian soldiers, members of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders and 27th Armoured Regiment (part of the…

This Is What Every D-Day Re-Enactment Should Look Like (Watch)

Reenacting D-Day is certainly quite a job and enthusiasts in Conneaut, Ohio prove they’re up to it every year. D-Day Conneaut is one of the…

True: A Stranded Dutch Warship In WWII Disguising Itself As An Island To Evade Japanese Bombers

The Netherlands officially surrendered on May 15th, 1940. However, its Navy continued the fight. Part of the navy was deployed in the Dutch East Indies…

Operation Mincemeat – How the Allies Tricked Hitler to open the gates of Sicily

World War II was fought on battlefields across the globe, with staggering numbers of casualties amassing on all sides. But under the cloak of darkness,…

The Final Attempts On Hitler’s Life, Before He Killed Himself

In a recent post, we revisited all of the assassination attempts on Hitler before the war. Before the war, Hitler’s would-be assassins were his political opponents…

For 59 Days 30 Soviet Soldiers Were Under Siege In This House, They Never Surrendered

The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the best-known battles of WWII. The siege of the city that lasted from 23rd of August, 1942 to…

Amazing Drone Footage Of Abandoned WWII & Soviet Airbase! (Watch)

Take a look at this great drone footage of the Sperenberg Airfield. The military complex, constructed originally for the Prussian Army, was adapted for rocket…