Shahan Russell

Shahan Russell is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE

Articles by Shahan Russell:

A “mentally unstable, violent fanatic” – The Horrific War Record of Oskar Dirlewanger

The word Nazi conjures up rather unpleasant associations, to say the least. When even the Nazis shuddered at the exploits of one of their own;…

Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz and the Danish Resistance in World War Two

Wherever the Nazis invaded, Jews and other minorities were exterminated, with one exception. Among those responsible for this deviation was – a Nazi. Georg Ferdinand…

Fazal Din: the Man Who Fought on despite the Hole in His Chest

The Victoria Cross (VC) is Britain’s highest award for military valor. Before 1911, Indian soldiers were not eligible to receive it; although many deserved to.…

The Heroic World War Two Volunteer – Charles Joseph Coward

He fought against the Nazis and was sent to a concentration camp. There he spied on his captors and risked his life to save those…

The First Man to Sink a Japanese Warship – The Battle Of Wake Island

Most people believe that although the Japanese succeeded in bombing Pearl Harbor during WWII, they never managed to occupy so much as an inch of American soil,…

Private Dirk J. Vlug: the Bane of Japanese Tanks – Fighting in the Philippines in WW2

Ten hours after bombing Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attacked the Philippines. Because of their brutality, many Filipinos fought back as they had little to lose.…

Robert Anderson Hoover of Nashville, Tennessee: the Father of Aerobatics

He was among the world’s greatest pilots – despite suffering from severe air sickness. Robert Anderson “Bob” Hoover was born on January 24, 1922, in…

This Member Of The Nazi Party Became Known as a Modern Buddha

A “Buddha” is an enlightened being – one who breathes wisdom, goodness, compassion, and mercy. A saint, to put it in Christian terms. In one…

The Curious Tale of an Extremely Jinxed Ship – The USS William D. Porter (DD-579)

During WWII, the Allies had a ship so jinxed, it destroyed itself by nearly destroying something else. And yes, you read that correctly. The USS William…

Calvin L. Graham: America’s Youngest WWII Hero

Johnston was only 12 during the campaign and 13 when he was decorated. On July 6, 1864, the Union War Department banned the recruitment of…

Poetic Justice and the Plot to Kill Hitler

Poetic justice is when the good are rewarded and the evil punished. It usually comes about by an ironic twist of fate. It happened to…

Get Out of Jail Free – How Monopoly Helped Allied POWs Escape

Imagine the following scenario: you’re with the Allies during WWII. Fortunately, your side eventually won. Unfortunately, you’ve ended up in a Nazi POW camp before…