American Civil War | War History

Magnificent, but Not War: George B. McClellan in Crimea

The Crimean War holds a strange place in history. Remembered for a failed cavalry charge and a woman of mercy, the war paved the way…

A Bloody New Year – The Massive American Civil War Battle of Stones River

It was cold at the turning of the year in Murfreesboro, right in the middle of the state of Tennessee. The little town nestled under…

The Army Itch And 7 Other Scary Civil War Maladies Which Make Us Thankful For Modern Medicine

Disease accounted for the deaths of 65% of Union soldiers and 62% of Confederates during the Civil War. Those high numbers beat out all other…

A Soldier’s Journal: “Boys, this is old South Carolina, lets give her hell,”

When not in combat, a soldier during the American Civil War, whether Union or Rebel, often found himself idle for great stretches of time. Writing…

The Drafts – Building The Armies Of The American Civil War

In America, the draft is a controversial subject. Many people support it, as they feel it is necessary for a country at war, while many…

These Descendants of Civil War Veterans Still Remember the War Stories of Their Fathers

The American Civil War is today perceived as a hugely important part of the early history of the nation, with its witnesses and participants long…

Frank Baldwin Received The Medal Of Honor Twice, Once For Fighting The Confederates And Again For Fighting The Native Americans

Receiving the Medal of Honor for valor in combat puts one in the hallowed company of but a few thousand individuals to ever grace the…

The Slave Who Stole A Confederate Ship, Met President Lincoln & Bought His Master’s House

In 1862, Robert Smalls stole a Confederate ship, gave it to the Union Army, freed slaves, and met President Abraham Lincoln. After the war, he…

Battle of the Crater: Disastrous Battle for the Union in the American Civil War

Colonel Delavan Bates waited 27 years to receive his Medal of Honor. He was awarded the prestigious accolade in 1891 for “gallantry in action where…

Civil War Spies: The Confederacy’s Vast Web of Intelligence and Disruption

Reliable Confederate spy records are hard to find. When Union troops were on their way to the South’s capital in Richmond, the Confederate Secretary of…

Even in The USA, There Are Still Many Things Folks Don’t Know Too Much About The American Civil War

The American Civil War was fought from April 12, 1861, to May 9, 1865, between the Confederate States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina,…

The Birth of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the American Civil War

The recruitment of African-American soldiers was one of the most important moments in the American Civil War. In practical terms, it provided soldiers for the…