Ancient History | War History

The End of an Era – The Sack of Rome

Rome, the city that had ruled the world, was in chaos. To the north-west, a great pillar of dirty smoke rose skywards from the Gardens…

The Roman Army – The Development Of One Of The Most Powerful Military Forces In The Ancient World

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armor organized into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

Roman Legions Of Renown… And How They Earned Their Names

Roman legions could become famous for their endurance or victories in war. Though all were numbered, many also had names that recorded their history, origins or…

Battle of Bibracte: Sending the Swiss to Switzerland

Caesar is perhaps most famous for his rise to power in Rome through the lengthy civil wars. Roman armies fighting each other made for interesting…

The Samnite Wars, Paving the Way for the Might of the Roman Empire

The Roman Republic was a magnificent entity. It had its problems, as all governments do, but the men served it proudly and it took many…

Roman Legionaries Did More Than Just Fight – Many Civilian Jobs Were Also Done By The Soldiers

Though it originally began purely as a war machine, the Roman army evolved to fill other roles. This was an inevitable outcome of the growth…

What it Was Like to Fight in a Roman Battle

It’s the first century AD and the Roman army is at the height of its power and professionalism. You’re part of that army – a…

When Rome Crushed Israel: The Siege of Masada

The inhabitants of modern Israel and Palestine have a long history of stubborn defiance in the face of outside threats and military oppression. It’s a…

How The Romans Beat The Best Navy Of The Time

The Punic Wars were crucial for the development of the Roman Empire. From 264 to 146 BC, the Romans fought the Carthaginians for control of…

When Ancient Gods Collide: Attila the Hun and Flavius Aetius

The Roman Empire seemed to be on the verge of an unalterable collapse at the beginning of the fifth century AD. It had become unable…

An Island Too Far: The disastrous Sicilian Expedition

Sparta and Athens fought the epic Peloponnesian War over several decades, which involved massive battles on land and sea, it saw one of the first…

Boudica’s Uprising: A Fearsome Challenge To The Might Of Ancient Rome

The coastal county of Norfolk in the south-east of England is a peaceful place. Little villages are scattered throughout a patchwork of fertile fields and…