Ancient History | War History

Leonidas I, Sparta’s Greatest Warrior King

King Leonidas I is the most famous general in the history of Sparta, and perhaps the whole of Greece. Disappointingly little is known about the…

Hadrian’s Wall – One Of The Greatest Achievements Of Ancient Roman Military Engineering

Though long since reduced to ruins, the line of Hadrian’s Wall is still visible through the countryside of northern England, from Bowness on the west…

These Five Kings Made Sparta A Force To Be Reckoned With In The Ancient World

The Kingdom of Sparta is one of the most famous city states of ancient Greece. The harsh military upbringing given to its male citizens has…

The Awesome Power of the Ancient Roman Navy Was So Great, It Even Won Sieges

Most people’s image of a siege is of a conflict fought entirely on land. But in the ancient era, when most of the great cities…

1453: The Fall Of Constantinople And The End Of The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire didn’t end with the 476 depositions of the Western Emperor Romulus or the Fall of Rome. It continued with solid momentum in…

Battle of Agincourt – The English Really Should Have Lost, But They Won

The Battle of Agincourt is an iconic moment in English military history. On 25 October 1415, an army of English raiders under Henry V faced…

The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, Rome’s Greatest Defeat And The Broken Remnants of a Glorious Army

Varus was crushed. His feet and hands and mind were numb with the freezing rain. His legions, so splendid and untouchable only days before, were…

Romans in China: The Lost Legions of Carrhae

The Romans in the first century BCE were perhaps the most growing empires around. Though the civil wars of Caesar and Pompey, and Octavian and…

The Roman Army Never Wanted To Be Forgotten – Here Are Some Legacies They Left Behind

Given the circumstances, we know an amazing amount about the ancient Roman army. Over 1500 years after the fall of the Roman Empire fell, we…

Roman Military Officers and What They Did

The Roman Empire saw one of the first truly professional armies in history, and became the inspiration for European armies that followed it. Though its…

The Spartans Never Surrendered Until The Brutal Battle Which Changed The Course Of The War

It is often said that the Spartan warriors never retreated and never surrendered. They would fight to the death no matter the odds, and were…

Greek Fire: Civil War in the “Cradle of Democracy” After World War Two

War History Online Presents this Guest Blog From Alan G. Gauthreaux.  A highly motivated and extremely determined Greek army descended on communist guerrillas on three sides…