Ancient History | War History

The Devastating Power of Ancient Roman Sieges

Tactically, the purpose of a siege is almost always the same – to take control of a strongly defended position. The reasons for launching one…

A Day In The Life Of A Roman Legionary

Roman legionaries were among the most ruthlessly efficient soldiers in the ancient world. But even for these highly disciplined and well-equipped men, the armies that…

Discipline, Tactics, Personal Skill – Military Might Of Ancient Sparta

Two-and-a-half millennia after they were at the height of their power, the Spartans remain famous as some of the finest warriors in European history. The…

Bellum Gallicum – Rome’s Greatest Conqueror In His Greatest War – Caesar’s Gaulish Campaign

The Roman invasion of Gaul was one of the most significant wars in the ancient world. It saw Rome’s empire vastly expand, propelled Julius Caesar…

The Battle Of Alesia: The Roman Siege That Completed Julius Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul

War History Online presents this Guest Article from by Joseph M. Durante “Gaul comprises three areas…” and “the whole of Gaul was now conquered.” In 58 B.C.…

The Persian Thermopylae: When Alexander The Great Nearly Lost His Empire In Battle

The Battle of the Persian Gate is not well-known, despite it being almost identical to the Greek stand at Thermopylae, only with reversed sides. A…

Alexander the Great’s Elite Hand-Picked Expert Troops: Silver Shields

Alexander the Great was one of the most talented generals who ever existed, but he was helped a great deal by his exceptional army. While…

The Battle of Megiddo: The Beginning of Military History

The first battle for which we have a clear historical record took place in the Levant in the 15th century BC. Though we know that…

A Real Life Weapon Of Legend: Greek Fire

Greek fire was a real weapon which has achieved near-legendary status. An incendiary device deployed against advancing Arabs by the defenders of Constantinople; it became…

Rome’s Greatest Enemies – Five People Who Fought Back Against the Empire

At its height, the Roman Empire spanned huge swathes of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Their military prowess, groundbreaking use of strategy and enormous…

Conquest Or Self-Defense – These Were Many Reasons The Romans Went to War

Ruthless conquerors and efficient warriors, we remember the Roman legions as a force that swept across Europe and the Mediterranean, crushing everything in their path.…

Roman Legionaries Did More Than Just Fight – Many Civilian Jobs Were Also Done By The Soldiers

Though it originally began purely as a war machine, the Roman army evolved to fill other roles. This was an inevitable outcome of the growth…