Ancient History | War History

The Ingenious Ancient Romans Used Mining Operations To Mercilessly Break Siege Defenses

The Romans were the great masters of siegecraft in the ancient world. With their combination of military and engineering prowess, they were experts at building blockades…

Devastating Missile Power – The Archers Of The Ancient Roman Army

Although the armies of Rome were famous for their hard-hitting legionaries, they also used a range of other troops. Cavalry, slingers, and light infantry all…

The Spartans Never Surrendered Until The Brutal Battle Which Changed The Course Of The War

It is often said that the Spartan warriors never retreated and never surrendered. They would fight to the death no matter the odds, and were…

Julius Caesar Conquered Many Different Tribes During His Gallic Wars – Here Are Just A Few Of Them

When Julius Caesar invaded Gaul, he was not facing a united nation. Instead, he had to fight a range of various tribes who dealt with…

The Teutonic Knights, The Hospitallers, And The Templars: Massive Battle of Tannenberg, 1410

The Crusades were monumental military efforts to secure the lands around Jerusalem. Two orders of warrior monks, the Templars, and Hospitallers, had great successes in…

The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, Rome’s Greatest Defeat And The Broken Remnants of a Glorious Army

Varus was crushed. His feet and hands and mind were numb with the freezing rain. His legions, so splendid and untouchable only days before, were…

The Awesome Power of the Ancient Roman Navy Was So Great, It Even Won Sieges

Most people’s image of a siege is of a conflict fought entirely on land. But in the ancient era, when most of the great cities…

Enemies Within And Without – Caligula, Arminius and Vercingetorix – Most Hated Men Of Ancient Rome

Rome hated a lot of people over the thousands of years it held power, so this list is far from comprehensive, feel free to add…

Brotherhood, Blood, And Discipline: How It Felt To Fight In An Ancient Roman Battle

It’s the first century AD and the professional Roman army is at the height of its power. You’re part of that army – a soldier…

The Most Hated Enemies Of The Ancient World’s Greatest Empire: Rome

Throughout the history of Rome, from the Kingdom of the 700s BCE  to the fall of the Empire in 476, there have been individuals who…

The Spartans Never Surrendered Until The Brutal Battle Which Changed The Course Of The War

It is often said that the Spartan warriors never retreated and never surrendered. They would fight to the death no matter the odds, and were…

Ancient Generals Who Had No Problem Fighting Heroically On The Front Lines

Generals now certainly do not fight on the front lines, that would be ridiculous. Perhaps the last time we had instances of high-ranking officers in…