Ancient History | War History

Caligula, Arminius and Vercingetorix Rome’s Most Hated Persons

Rome hated a lot of people over the thousands of years it held power, so this list is far from comprehensive, feel free to add…

Masinissa: The Warrior King of Numidia who fought alongside his Armies Well into His 80s

Minor kingdoms and their Kings don’t often get a share of the historical glory because, well, they’re minor. But, one such minor king fought with…

Battle of Mount Vesuvius, Spartacus and His Men Abseiling Down a Mountain

It is not often that significant battles occur on the slopes of tall mountains, as there are usually too many forces involved for such steep…

The Big Reasons Why The Romans Went to War – Apart From Liking a Good Fight

Ruthless conquerors and efficient warriors, we remember the Roman legions as a force that swept across Europe and the Mediterranean, crushing everything in their path.…

The Persian Thermopylae: When Alexander The Great Nearly Lost His Empire In Battle

The Battle of the Persian Gate is not well-known, despite it being almost identical to the Greek stand at Thermopylae, only with reversed sides. A…

Rome’s Greatest Enemies – Five People Who Fought Back Against the Empire

At its height, the Roman Empire spanned huge swathes of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Their military prowess, groundbreaking use of strategy and enormous…

Battle of Kadesh would claim the title of the largest chariot battle ever, despite chariot warfare persisting for nearly 1,000 more years

The battle of Megiddo was the first reliably recorded battle, and not long after the battle of Kadesh would claim the title of the largest…

The Roman Army never wanted to be forgotten – here are some legacies they left behind

Given the circumstances, we know an amazing amount about the ancient Roman army. Over 1500 years after the fall of the Roman Empire fell, we…

Being a Footsoldier in Ancient Battles; A Frontline View of Victory

What was it actually like to fight with the heavy infantry on an ancient battlefield? The average person has their views shaped by Hollywood, but…

How The Romans Beat The Best Navy Of The Time

The Punic Wars were crucial for the development of the Roman Empire. From 264 to 146 BC, the Romans fought the Carthaginians for control of…

Roman Legions Of Renown… And How They Earned Their Names

Roman legions could become famous for their endurance or victories in war. Though all were numbered, many also had names that recorded their history, origins or…

Marcus Agrippa: Augustus’ Little Known Right Hand Man Who Knew How to Limit his Ambitions

Octavian Augustus was the first actual emperor of Rome; Caesar had held the dictatorship but was murdered a few years into his rule. Ambitious men…