Ancient History | War History

3 Key Phases in the History of the Roman Army

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armour organised into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

When Pirates Kidnapped Julius Caesar He Laughed at Their Ransom Demands & Told Them To Ask for More

Long ago a 25-year-old Roman author, poet, priest, and aristocrat was kidnapped by pirates. Rather than plead for his release, however, he ordered them to…

The Battle of Megiddo: The First Recorded Battle Of Military History

The first battle for which we have a clear historical record took place in the Levant in the 15th century BC. Though we know that…

Napoleon as Augustus: How He Modelled Himself on the Roman Empire

“I am a true Roman Emperor; I am of the best race of the Caesars – those who are founders.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, 1812. Throughout…

How the Romans Lost a Tenth of Their Armies in a Single Battle – The Teutoburg Forest

The Roman Empire of the 1st century AD is renowned as one of the most deadly and successful fighting forces in history. But even the…

Roman Military Officers and What They Did

The Roman Empire saw one of the first truly professional armies in history, and became the inspiration for European armies that followed it. Though its…

This is How Tribal Queen Boudica Almost Beat the Mighty Roman Army

The early Roman Empire was an unstoppable juggernaut of military strength, bending the rest of Europe to its will. Rebellions were mercilessly crushed by one…

2600 Years Ago, The First Recorded Olympic Winner Led A Rebellion in Athens – Today Researchers May Have Found The Bones Of The Rebel Army

Over one hundred years ago, workers uncovered an ancient cemetery while they were building an opera house and a library four miles (six km) south…

Massive Engagements Of Ancient Warships – The Most Decisive Ancient Naval Battles

Ancient naval battles were quite risky; they involved massive investments in money in building ships and trained manpower for rowing and marines. Contrary to popular…

Badges of Honor, Tokens of Renown – Ancient Roman Military Decorations

Like most professional armies, the Roman legions used military decorations to acknowledge superior behaviour. Though few looked like medals as we picture them today, these…

378 Adrianople: Rise of the Barbarians And The Beginning Of The End Of The Roman Empire

The Fall of Rome was an arduous, drawn-out process, lasting centuries in the West to over a thousand years in the East. The so-called “barbarians”…

The Battle of Actium: Agrippa’s Victory, Octavian’s Glory

Rome after Caesar’s death was a place of great uncertainty. Caesar had a long road to secure power and had finally secured it, and seemed…