Ancient History | War History

How One Man Seized Control of the Roman Empire and Founded a Dynasty

Constantine the First, also known as Constantine the Great, was one of Rome’s most capable rulers. Rising to power in the early fourth century, he…

The Hannibalic War would make an Excellent Movie

There are an infinite number of great stories to be found in history. Fantasy tales such as the hit series, Game of Thrones, can be…

Pompey The Great: One Of Rome’s Greatest Commanders

Cnaeus Pompeius Magnus (c.106-48 BC) is remembered as Julius Caesar’s sometime ally and later enemy in both politics and war. Pompey, who Pliny compared in…

Modern, Adaptable, Ruthless – How Assyrian Armies Dominated The Middle East

The Assyrian Empire was one of the most powerful military forces in the Middle East. From the 14th to the 8th century BC, it grew…

Devastating Missile Power – The Archers Of The Ancient Roman Army

Although the armies of Rome were famous for their hard-hitting legionaries, they also used a range of other troops. Cavalry, slingers, and light infantry all…

The Finest Warriors Of Ancient Greece – Masters Of Hoplite Warfare

Hoplites were the leading warriors of ancient Greece. Their images were reflected in the art of the period and their equipment featured in many of…

Heart-Rending Decisions: One Commander’s Divided Loyalties In Caesar’s Civil War

Civil war can force participants to make difficult decisions. Friends, colleagues, and families are torn apart. For some, the decision of who to side with…

The Powerful Leaders in Ancient Rome’s Civil War

In 49 BC, the Roman Empire was ripped apart by civil war. Fearing the threat of his political enemies, Julius Caesar illegally marched his army…

Gauls Vs Romans: Two Very Different Ways Of War

When Julius Caesar invaded Gaul in the 1st century BC, two very different schools of war clashed. In some ways, the Gauls and the Romans…

Julius Caesar Conquered Many Different Tribes During His Gaulish Wars – Here Are Just A Few Of Them

When Julius Caesar invaded Gaul, he was not facing a united nation. Instead, he had to fight a range of various tribes who dealt with…

Ancient Days – The Earliest Evolution Of Warfare

Our understanding of ancient warfare is hazy. Written accounts are few and limited in scope. The emergence of war from inter-personal violence is shrouded in…

The Battle of Pharsalus: How Caesar Won a Civil War While Outnumbered Two to One

The Battle of Pharsalus was one of the most important in Julius Caesar’s career. Fought on the 9th of August 48 BC, it was the…