Ancient History | War History

Legion Vs Phalanx: Two Powerhouse Formations of Ancient Warfare

The organization from Homeric style hero warfare to tightly packed hoplite warfare was world changing. This powerful Hellenic formation allowed the ancient Greeks to hold…

The Spartans Had Never Surrendered Until The Brutal Battle Which Changed The Course Of The War

It is often said that the Spartan warriors never retreated and never surrendered. They would fight to the death no matter the odds, and were…

Awesome Power Of Ancient Rome – The Total Destruction Of Rome’s Greatest Rival

The conflict between Rome and Carthage was one of the greatest in the ancient world. Throughout the Punic Wars, they grappled for control of the…

The Reasons Why Rome Fell – And How It Has Lived On

The Fall of Rome is a heavily debated topic with an extraordinary range of theories as to how such a great power ultimately fell, and…

Pick A Side: Hannibal’s Veteran Army (with Elephants) Vs. Alexander’s Macedonian Phalanx and Companions

The gut reaction for most people would be Alexander, but there are a few aspects which work for Hannibal considering the various terrain and weather…

The Ingenious Ancient Romans Used Mining Operations To Mercilessly Break Siege Defenses

The Romans were the great masters of siegecraft in the ancient world. With their combination of military and engineering prowess, they were experts at building…

The Viking Mercenaries of the Byzantine Empire – The Varangian Guard

The Byzantines Hired Viking Mercenaries as Guards The relationship between the Byzantine Emperors and their Varangian Guard was a complex affair. The Byzantines were first…

The Most Hated Enemies Of The Ancient World’s Greatest Empire: Rome

Throughout the history of Rome, from the Kingdom of the 700s BCE  to the fall of the Empire in 476, there have been individuals who…

Masinissa: The Warrior King of Numidia who fought alongside his Armies Well into His 80s

Minor kingdoms and their Kings don’t often get a share of the historical glory because, well, they’re minor. But, one such minor king fought with…

Brotherhood, Blood, And Discipline: How It Felt To Fight In An Ancient Roman Battle

It’s the first century AD and the professional Roman army is at the height of its power. You’re part of that army – a soldier…

Battle of Mount Vesuvius, Spartacus and His Men Abseiling Down a Mountain

It is not often that significant battles occur on slopes of tall mountains, there are usually too many forces involved for such steep terrain. The…

Ancient Generals Who Had No Problem Fighting Heroically On The Front Lines

Generals now certainly do not fight on the front lines, that would be ridiculous. Perhaps the last time we had instances of high-ranking officers in…