Ancient History | War History

The Samnite Wars, Paving the Way for the Might of the Roman Empire

The Roman Republic was a magnificent entity. It had its problems, as all governments do, but the men served it proudly and it took many…

Enemies Within And Without – Caligula, Arminius and Vercingetorix – Most Hated Men Of Ancient Rome

Rome hated a lot of people over the thousands of years it held power, so this list is far from comprehensive, feel free to add…

Deadliest Sieges Before the 19th Century

Sieges throughout history were awful affairs. Unlike Field Battles, Sieges involved civilians, as well as numerous ways to die over long periods of time. Starvation…

A Turning Point In The Life Of Musashi, The Undefeated Samurai

Miyamoto Musashi was three hours late. This was his way. On the beach the tension in the air was palpable. Sasaki Kojiro paced up and…

1453: The Fall of Constantinople and the end of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire didn’t end with the 476 depositions of the Western Emperor Romulus or the Fall of Rome. It continued with solid momentum in…

Four Reasons Why Rome Fell – And How It Has Lived On

The Fall of Rome is a heavily debated topic with an extraordinary range of theories as to how such a great power ultimately fell, and…

The Awesome Power of the Ancient Roman Navy Was So Great, It Even Won Sieges

Most people’s image of a siege is of a conflict fought entirely on land. But in the ancient era, when most of the great cities…

The Battle of Leuctra: Crushing the Spartans and the Birth of the Echelon Formation

The echelon formation is a solid staple in the modern military and police world. Fighter jets use this diagonal formation to maintain visibility while maximizing…

The Devastating Power of Ancient Roman Sieges

Tactically, the purpose of a siege is almost always the same – to take control of a strongly defended position. The reasons for launching one…

The Spartans Never Surrendered Until The Brutal Battle Which Changed The Course Of The War

It is often said that the Spartan warriors never retreated and never surrendered. They would fight to the death no matter the odds, and were…

Here Are Five Ways In Which We Know About the Roman Army

Given the circumstances, we know an amazing amount about the ancient Roman army. Over 1500 years after the fall of the Roman Empire fell, we…

Roman Emperors Who Died in Battle, From The End Of The Roman Empire To Byzantium

Though Roman Emperors occasionally did fight while out on campaigns, it was often a major shock if they were wounded or killed. If an emperor…