Ancient History | War History

Roman Emperors Who Died in Battle, From The End Of The Roman Empire To Byzantium

Though Roman Emperors occasionally did fight while out on campaigns, it was often a major shock if they were wounded or killed. If an emperor…

War on the Terraces: The Nika Riots

First the stewards and then the riot squad had been unable to deal with the supporters when trouble flared on the stands, and eventually, after…

The Viking Mercenaries of the Byzantine Empire – The Varangian Guard

The Byzantines Hired Viking Mercenaries as Guards The relationship between the Byzantine Emperors and their Varangian Guard was a complex affair. The Byzantines were first…

Five Facts: The Ancient Wars Between Persia and Greece

The Greeks and the Persians, Leonidas and Xerxes. The wars and their characters have always piqued the interest of historians, and Hollywood has certainly brought…

Arab raids on Rome: The Eternal City Saved by 600-Year-Old Wall

In the 8th century, a fractured collection of European kingdoms came under increasing pressure from the powerful united Caliphates of the rapidly developing Islamic world.…

Mantinea: Greeks Killing Each Other to Pave the Way for Philip’s Conquest

Philip of Macedon conquered the Greeks, most of us know that, but how did he do it? These mighty Greeks faced huge numbers of Persian…

How Caesar Defeated 250,000 Gaulish Warriors Coming At Them From Two Sides With Only 60,000 Legionnaires

Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars had been raging for over five years when his legions faced their greatest test at the double siege of Alesia, a…

Greek Fire: Civil War in the “Cradle of Democracy” After WW2

War History Online Presents this Guest Blog From Alan G. Gauthreaux.  A highly motivated and extremely determined Greek army descended on communist guerrillas on three sides…

Constantinople: Holding The Walls At All Costs

At dawn, the leaders of the defence gazed out west from the walls of Constantinople. The two Byzantine commanders, Bonus and Sergius, did not speak…

The Persian Thermopylae: Alexander’s Fight Through the Pass at Persepolis Almost Cost Him His Empire

The Battle of the Persian Gate is not well-known, despite it being almost identical to the Greek stand at Thermopylae, only with reversed sides. A…

The Battle of Telamon: A Gaulish Army Trapped Between Three Roman Armies

The Romans and the Gauls had a bitter rivalry that lasted as long as any other in the world. One of the most humiliating events…

A Day in the Life of a Roman Legionary

Roman legionaries were among the most ruthlessly efficient soldiers in the ancient world. But even for these highly disciplined and well-equipped men, the armies that…