Ancient History | War History

The Spartans Had Never Surrendered Until The Brutal Battle Which Changed The Course Of The War

It is often said that the Spartan warriors never retreated and never surrendered. They would fight to the death no matter the odds, and were…

When Pirates Kidnapped Julius Caesar He Laughed at Their Ransom Demands and Told Them To Ask for More

Long ago a 25-year-old Roman author, poet, priest, and aristocrat was kidnapped by pirates. Rather than plead for his release, however, he ordered them to…

Legion Vs Phalanx: Two Powerhouse Formations of Ancient Warfare

The organization from Homeric style hero warfare to tightly packed hoplite warfare was world changing. This powerful Hellenic formation allowed the ancient Greeks to hold…

Sparta’s Hoplite Warriors: The Most Influential Ancient Military Force

Today, many individuals connect Sparta with a few movies and then dismiss the influential historical city as something of little importance. However, Sparta’s strict military…

Forged In The Fires Of Battle And Myth: The Mighty Roman Army

1. Mythical Origins Legends tell that the Roman army began with Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome, and his bodyguard of 300 warriors called the…

The Battle of Megiddo: The First Recorded Battle Of Military History

The first battle for which we have a clear historical record took place in the Levant in the 15th century BC. Though we know that…

Siege of Sparta: When The Spartan Women Pitched in to Defend Their City

Most historians should know the term “Pyrrhic Victory,” right? Pyrrhus of Epirus (located in the modern day region of western Greece and Albania) won victories…

Roman Military Officers, And What They Did

The Roman Empire saw one of the first truly professional armies in history, and became the inspiration for European armies that followed it. Though its…

Great Sieges: The Roman Siege of Jerusalem – One Million Lives Lost In 8 Months Of Combat

The Romans generally tolerated other religions, allowing and even welcoming Egyptian gods into their pantheon. Though they viewed the monotheistic Jews as being odd, they…

Commanding Thousands – Approaches to Generalship on Ancient Battlefields

Modern generals are granted access to a multitude of communication and information gathering technologies from satellite imaging to UAVs and infantry equipped with cameras. Ancient…

The Roman Army – Mighty War Machine Of The Ancient World

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armour organised into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

When Gods Collide – Hannibal and Scipio – Titanic Military Rivalries From The Ancient World

Many years after their last battles had been fought, Hannibal Barca and Publius Cornelius Scipio came face to face in the neutral city of Ephesus,…