Ancient History | War History

The End of an Era – The Sack of Rome

Rome, the city that had ruled the world, was in chaos. To the north-west, a great pillar of dirty smoke rose skywards from the Gardens…

The Devastating Power of Ancient Roman Sieges

Tactically, the purpose of a siege is almost always the same – to take control of a strongly defended position. The reasons for launching one…

Discipline, Tactics, Personal Skill – Military Might Of Ancient Sparta

Two-and-a-half millennia after they were at the height of their power, the Spartans remain famous as some of the finest warriors in European history. The…

Why Total War Rome 2: Total War Has The Perfect Historical Starting Date

The long-running Total War series has gone in a wildly fictional direction with its latest entry Total War: Warhammer, but their core has always been…

Gladiator: The True History Behind The Movie

Are you not entertained? The Gladiator is now seventeen years old, but it has stuck around in modern culture quite well. We know that huge…

We Ask If Alexander The Great Was Macedonian, Greek… Or Both

  Right away this title is going to get a wide variety of reactions. Some people are already angry that anyone could say that Alexander…

Bellum Gallicum – Rome’s Greatest Conqueror In His Greatest War – Caesar’s Gaulish Campaign

The Roman invasion of Gaul was one of the most significant wars in the ancient world. It saw Rome’s empire vastly expand, propelled Julius Caesar…

When Spartacus and His Renegade Gladiators Gave the Romans All They Could Handle

The War of Spartacus was violent and disturbing. Gladiators and other slaves were fighting for what modern society views as the inalienable right to freedom.…

Brotherhood, Blood, And Discipline: An Ancient Roman Battle

It’s the first century AD and the professional Roman army is at the height of its power. You’re part of that army – a soldier…

A Day in the Life of a Roman Legionary – Mighty Soldiers Of The Ancient World

Roman legionaries were among the most ruthlessly efficient soldiers in the ancient world. But even for these highly disciplined and well-equipped men, the armies that…

Greek Fire: Civil War in the “Cradle of Democracy” After WW2

War History Online Presents this Guest Blog From Alan G. Gauthreaux.  A highly motivated and extremely determined Greek army descended on communist guerrillas on three sides…

A Real Life Weapon Of Legend: Greek Fire

Greek fire was a real weapon which has achieved near-legendary status. An incendiary device deployed against advancing Arabs by the defenders of Constantinople; it became…