Ancient History | War History

Masinissa: The Warrior King of Numidia who fought alongside his Armies Well into His 80s

Minor kingdoms and their Kings don’t often get a share of the historical glory because, well, they’re minor. But, one such minor king fought with…

Enemies Within And Without – Caligula, Arminius and Vercingetorix – Most Hated Men Of Ancient Rome

If you haven’t seen the first post covering the Roman Republic, here it is. Rome hated a lot of people over the thousands of years…

A Day in the Life of a Roman Legionary – The Men Who Made The Mightiest Military In The Ancient World

Roman legionaries were among the most ruthlessly efficient soldiers in the ancient world. But even for these highly disciplined and well-equipped men, the armies that…

Brotherhood, Blood, And Discipline: How It Felt To Fight In An Ancient Roman Battle

It’s the first century AD and the professional Roman army is at the height of its power. You’re part of that army – a soldier…

5 Ancient Generals Who Had No Problem Fighting Heroically On The Front Lines

Generals now certainly do not fight on the front lines, that would be ridiculous. Perhaps the last time we had instances of high-ranking officers in…

The Most Hated Enemies Of The Ancient World’s Greatest Empire: Rome

Throughout the history of Rome, from the Kingdom of the 700s BCE  to the fall of the Empire in 476, there have been individuals who…

Five Facts: The Ancient Wars Between Persia and Greece

The Greeks and the Persians, Leonidas and Xerxes. The wars and their characters have always piqued the interest of historians, and Hollywood has certainly brought…

1453: The Fall of Constantinople and the end of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire didn’t end with the 476 depositions of the Western Emperor Romulus or the Fall of Rome. It continued with solid momentum in…

Constantinople: Holding The Walls At All Costs

At dawn, the leaders of the defence gazed out west from the walls of Constantinople. The two Byzantine commanders, Bonus and Sergius, did not speak…

The Top 3 Deadliest Sieges Before the 19th Century

Sieges throughout history were awful affairs. Unlike Field Battles, Sieges involved civilians, as well as numerous ways to die over long periods of time. Starvation…

A Turning Point In The Life Of Musashi, The Undefeated Samurai

Miyamoto Musashi was three hours late. This was his way. On the beach the tension in the air was palpable. Sasaki Kojiro paced up and…

5 Heroic Last Stands From Military History

Looking throughout history, before the end of the Medieval era, we can find five great last stands with ease. The heroism and self-sacrifice of the…