Ancient History | War History

The End of the Han Dynasty – Battle of Red Cliffs

The end of the mighty Han Dynasty was marked by one of Chinese history’s most significant turning points – the Battle of Red Cliffs, or…

3 Key Phases in the History of the Roman Army

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armour organised into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

Battle of Chaeronea – Philip II of Macedon’s Decisive Victory Over Greece

The greatest victory of Philip II of Macedonia, the battle of Chaeronea, solidified Macedonian rule in Greece. This clash between the Greek city-states alliance of…

What if the Teutoburg Disaster Didn’t Happen?

“What if” history questions can be a divisive. Some view them as an exercise in futility, a place where no serious historians should go. Others…

12 Renowned Roman Legions and How They Earned Their Names

Roman legions could become famous for their endurance or victories in war. Though all were numbered, many also had names that recorded their history, origins or…

3 Key Phases in the History of the Roman Army

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armour organised into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

12 Ranks of Roman Military Officers and What They Did

The Roman Empire saw one of the first truly professional armies in history, and became the inspiration for European armies that followed it. Though its…

Battle of the Hydaspes – Alexander The Great’s Expansion to the East

Alexander the Great’s expansive politics led him to the eastern bank of the river Hydaspes. This river was in Pauravas, an ancient kingdom in the…

Onna-bugeisha – The Female Samurai Warriors

Long before the modern-day archetype of the male samurai warrior, Japanese history was dominated by powerful female samurais. They were trained to use weapons and martial arts…

When Caesar Lost to Pompey – The Battle of Dyrrhachium

The Battle of Dyrrhachium was one of the greatest risks taken by Julius Caesar in his war with Gnaeus Pompey, who was allied with almost…

4 Reasons Why Rome Fell (Or Did It Ever Fall?)

The Fall of Rome is a heavily debated topic with an extraordinary range of theories as to how such a great power ultimately fell, and…

The Ionian Revolt and the Battle of Marathon – First Greek-Persian War

Ionia was situated on the western coast of Asia Minor and the neighboring islands. The country was inhabited by Greeks around 1000 BC. Around 8th…