Ancient History | War History

Ultimately Disgraced – Scipio Africanus was One of Rome’s Greatest Generals

Publius Cornelius Scipio was born around 236 BC, the son of a Roman aristocrat. He grew up amid the privilege of the Roman elite and…

Mysterious Fate of Zenobia: The Palmyra Queen Who Defied Rome

In the third century AD, Palmyra was a stopover for traders traveling across the deserts. This made Palmyra wealthy and earned it the nickname “The…

Spartans – Men Who Were Born To Fight

Spartans were a people from ancient Greece who had two main goals in life: to be the best warriors in the land, and to serve…

Mongol Tactics Learned from the Great Sun Tzu – Speed, Deception and Intel

The strategic genius of Genghis Khan is immortalized in history. The writings of Sun Tzu have established sound military principles that have transcended time and…

Egyptian Master General – Pharaoh Thutmose III And The Battle of Megiddo

Ancient Egypt had seen many Pharaohs come and go, several dynasties rise and fall, many amongst whom were great and truly remarkable but only a…

Boudica – The Celtic Queen Who Challenged Rome

Arminius, born in the Germanic territories and forced to become a Roman soldier, never forgot his past and decided, when the chance came, to fight…

2000 Year Old “Barbarian” Battlefield in Denmark Yields New Evidence

War has always been with us, and we’ve always been truly excellent at finding new and enhanced ways of slaughtering one another. The evidence, gathered…

Taking on an Army of Elephants: Roman Leaders in the War Against Hannibal

In late 218 BC, Hannibal led the armies of Carthage over the Alps and into the heart of the Roman Empire. Of all the events…

Romans & Vikings: 3 Fantastic Books from Haynes – Review by M. Barnes

Printed books are making a comeback as people get bored with tablets and their lack of the substance only achieved with ink and paper.  I’m…

Iron Age Fort in Scotland Reveals Origins

For over one hundred years excavation work has been in progress on an ancient fort that was built on a small peninsula jutting out toward…

Global Warming Research Yields Shipwrecks and Ancient City

The intention behind the Black Sea Maritime Archaeological Project (MAP) was not to trawl the Black Sea in search of ancient ships, but that’s exactly…

The Grand Master: Alexander’s Genius in the Battle of Issus

King Darius planned on fighting Alexander on the wide Syrian plains.This tactic would have allowed Darius the opportunity of surrounding Alexander’s greatly outnumbered army. Darius…