Ancient History | War History

Great Sieges: Jerusalem (70 CE) – One Million Lives Lost In 8 Months Of Combat

The Romans generally tolerated other religions, allowing and even welcoming Egyptian gods into their pantheon. Though they viewed the monotheistic Jews as being odd, they…

The Battle of Megiddo: The Beginning of Military History

The first battle for which we have a clear historical record took place in the Levant in the 15th century BC. Though we know that…

Legion Vs Phalanx: Two Powerhouse Formations of Ancient Warfare

The organization from Homeric style hero warfare to tightly packed hoplite warfare was world changing. This powerful Hellenic formation allowed the ancient Greeks to hold…

Romans in China: The Lost Legions of Carrhae

The Romans in the first century BCE were perhaps the most growing empires around. Though the civil wars of Caesar and Pompey, and Octavian and…

Disaster at Teutoburg Forest – The Worst Defeat Of the Roman Armies, Ever!

The Battle of Teutoburg Forest was one of the worst defeats suffered by the Roman army in its entire existence not in terms of men…

The Shield of Rome: Fabius Cunctator

Many generals are overshadowed or underappreciated for what they did for their state; Belisarius who reconquered much of the lost Western Roman Empire and Tamerlane,…

Alexander the Great’s Elite Hand-Picked Expert Troops: Silver Shields

Alexander the Great was one of the most talented generals who ever existed, but he was helped a great deal by his exceptional army. While…

5 Kings Who Made Sparta a Military Great

The Kingdom of Sparta is one of the most famous city states of ancient Greece. The harsh military upbringing given to its male citizens has…

Single Combat in Ancient Rome

David and Goliath, Hector and Achilles, Romulus and Acro. Great instances of single combat are not limited to these far distant and historically vague events.…

The Siege of Masada: Rome’s Assertion of Authority

During Rome’s centuries as a growing empire it faced countless rebellions and challenges to its dominance of the Mediterranean, the old Italian allies even revolted…

The Sword of Rome: Marcus Claudius Marcellus

All three of the Punic Wars were won by Rome, and the third war saw Carthage’s complete destruction, but there were periods where the Romans…

Leonidas I, Sparta’s Greatest Warrior King

King Leonidas I is the most famous general in the history of Sparta, and perhaps the whole of Greece. Disappointingly little is known about the…