Ancient History | War History

6 Reasons Why the English Should Have Lost at Agincourt

The Battle of Agincourt is an iconic moment in English military history. On 25 October 1415, an army of English raiders under Henry V faced…

How Caesar Defeated 250,000 Gallics Coming At Them From Two Sides With Only 60,000 Legionnairs

Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars had been raging for over five years when his legions faced their greatest test at the double siege of Alesia, a…

The movie 300 has way more historical value than you might think

Many people would scoff immediately after reading this title, but the almost ten year old movie 300 really does have a lot to contribute to…

Behind Enemy Lines; the March of the 10,000 Greek Hoplites

After defeating Xerxes’ mighty invasion in 479 BCE the Greeks enjoyed a fearsome reputation as powerful warriors, able to defeat armies many times their size.…

Mystery Ulfberht Viking sword has archaeologists stumped

More than 170 swords bearing the “ULFBERHT” inscription have been found in several European countries, mainly in Norway, Finland, Estonia and Latvia. There are fewer…

When Ancient Gods Collide: Attila the Hun and Flavius Aetius

The Roman Empire seemed to be on the verge of an unalterable collapse at the beginning of the fifth century AD. It had become unable…

The Pros and Cons of Ancient War Elephants

Elephants are generally peaceful and majestic creatures but throughout history, their size and power were used with devastating results on the battlefield. With the adoption…

Caesar and Pompey – When Ancient Gods Collide

The rivalry between Marius and Sulla was doomed to repeat itself within a generation when Julius Caesar emulated Sulla’s action and crossed the Rubicon to…

How Scipio Defeated Hannibal And His Elephants and Earned the Name Africanus

Scipio Africanus was only of the most talented generals in the ancient world. He was barely an adult when Hannibal invaded Italy. He fought in…

When Gods Collide – Sulla and Marius – The 5 Most Titanic Military Rivalries of the Ancient World

By the close of the second century B.C., the Roman Republic was unarguably the supreme military and political power in the Mediterranean world. Its influence…

When Gods Collide – Hannibal and Scipio – Titanic Military Rivalries From The Ancient World

Many years after their last battles had been fought, Hannibal Barca and Publius Cornelius Scipio came face to face in the neutral city of Ephesus,…

Was Scipio The Best General of the Roman Republic?

Almost every armchair historian and even most professionals have their own list of favorite or best generals. There are names that often appear, such as…