Ancient History | War History

Conquest or Myth – Questioning Cortez and the Spaniards in Mexico

There are few historical “facts” about the history of the settlement of North America that can be accepted without secondary scrutiny – in fact, it…

Caesar’s Loss to Vercingetorix at Gergovia

The Gallic wars were a series of battles that ensued when the Gallic people of what is now France stood in resistance to the invading Roman…

Prelude to the Fall of Rome – The Destruction of Carthage

According to legend, the city was started by Queen Dido in 813 BC. Her romance with Aeneas has been one of the most popular sources…

The Largest Chariot Battle Ever: Kadesh – Hittites vs. Egyptians

For most of recorded history, The Hittite Empire was thought to be more of a myth than an actual fact.  This state of affairs lasted…

Battlefield Gallipoli – From Troy to the Anzacs

Few spots in the world boast a history of conflict to match the Gallipoli region of Turkey. Troy, sitting on the Asian side and looking…

Finding Historical Treasure May Get New Rules on Britain’s Battlefields

Metal detecting in England has become a popular pastime.  With history to be found under almost any footstep in parts of England, there are many…

Huge Discovery of Roman Artifacts Near Krefeld, Germany

A wealth of Roman artifacts has been unearthed over the past ten months north of the town of Krefeld in Germany’s North Rhine-Westphalian region.  Excavations…

Julius Caesar At The Siege Of Alesia – The Decisive Battle In His Conquest Of Gaul

The Imperator Gaius of the Julii, who was called Caesar, was in Gaul with sixty thousand men. Twelve legions of Roman infantry were supported by…

Boudica’s Uprising: A Fearsome Challenge To The Might Of Ancient Rome

The coastal county of Norfolk in the south-east of England is a peaceful place. Little villages are scattered throughout a patchwork of fertile fields and…

A Turning Point In The Life Of Musashi, The Undefeated Samurai

Miyamoto Musashi was three hours late. This was his way. On the beach the tension in the air was palpable. Sasaki Kojiro paced up and…

The Battle of Actium: Agrippa’s Victory, Octavian’s Glory

Rome after Caesar’s death was a place of great uncertainty. Caesar had a long road to secure power and had finally secured it, and seemed…

Devastating Missile Power – The Archers Of The Ancient Roman Army

Although the armies of Rome were famous for their hard-hitting legionaries, they also used a range of other troops. Cavalry, slingers, and light infantry all…