Cold War | War History

New military museum in the Middle East – Jordan’s Royal Tank Museum

War History Online presents this Guest Article from Robby Houben The world’s newest tank museum opened its doors this year in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.…

Different Strokes for Different Folks – 9 Differences of U.S. and USSR Cold War Armies

Throughout the decades of the Cold War, America and the USSR sat facing each other, their armies ready for a war they thought might come…

Mammoth Military Exercises of the Soviet Union with Video

Through time armies have recognized that, in times of peace, they need to practice going to war.  Even the best thought out plans need to…

Gain the Experience – Joining the Women’s Army Corps During the 1970s

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

Hung Out to Dry – The JFK Dilemma on the Failed Bay of Pigs Invasion

How changes at the last hour led to great repercussions The initial plan for the 2506 Brigade, composed of exiled Cuban freedom fighters, to invade…

RAF Pilot Leads Rebellion for Independence in Zimbabwe

Cecil Rhodes established Fort Salisbury and the state of Rhodesia in September of 1890, and ninety years later, it was rebranded as the state of…

World War III Averted? – Remembering the “Kursk” Submarine Disaster

August 12, 2000, is a date forever included in the newest history of Russia. It was on this day that one of the most sophisticated…

Planes, Tanks, and Futbol – The Soviets in the Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War provided the perfect laboratory conditions for the Soviet military to test its combat readiness prior to the arrival of a ‘big…

Now Showing: Videos of America’s Nuclear Testing Program Uploaded to YouTube

An unusual release occurred recently when 250 previously classified videos were uploaded to YouTube.  What makes these different is that they are all films of…

Soviet “Atomic Annie” – The 2B1 “Oka” Nuclear Mortar

The Cold War pushed the Soviet defense industry to create unique weapons. In the spring of 1953, at the military training ground in Nevada, the…

Isolated and Outnumbered: The Desperate Battle for Hill 3234 in Afghanistan

In late 1987, the government of the Soviet Union, led by Mikhail Gorbachev, was determined to complete the Afghan war. Active fighting was over and…

Military Tradition: Germany’s Problem With Its Past

Recent revelations that members of the German military had planned a “false-flag” campaign – a terrorist attack while posing as foreigners seeking asylum in the…