Cold War | War History

This Incredibly Flawed Government Report Sparked Panic During the Cold War

Russian Nuclear Control Room

Anyone who lived through the Cold War knew about the terrifying prospect of thousands of Soviet nuclear missiles raining down upon cities all over the…

The Jaguar MBT: The Time China and America Collaborated On A Tank

T-59 MBT

Another weird tank to be developed during the Cold War was the Jaguar, a 1980s joint Chinese and American project that was intended to modernize…

Sillamae was Removed from Soviet Maps during the Cold War and now it’s a Popular Tourist Destination


A town in Estonia was removed from all Soviet maps during the Cold War but is now a popular resort destination on the Baltic coast.…

The CIA Once Built a Giant Claw to Recover a Sunken Soviet Submarine

Gomar Explorer Color Photo

For the United States during the Cold War, no project was too crazy or too expensive. One of these, known as Project Azorian, cost the…

The CIA Lost Nine Cores of Plutonium in the Himalayas


Of all the things you don’t want to lose, radioactive plutonium cores are near the top of the list. But this is exactly what the…

The Movie ‘The Day After’ Put Ronald Reagan In Damage Control Over Nuclear Weapons

The 1983 television movie The Day After depicts a dark scenario where tensions between the US and the Soviet Union escalate to the point of…

The CIA Paid A Magician To Write A Deception Manual During The Cold War

CIA Agent Napoleon Solo + John Mulholland + Doctors standing above a man who is lying down

The United States government feared an attack from the USSR during the Cold War. This led it to a host of experimental programs aimed at…

The Secret ‘White Trains’ That Transported Nuclear Weapons During the Cold War

White train traveling down a railroad

The Cold War was an uncertain time for much of the world. There was a permeating fear the Soviet Union would launch a nuclear attack,…

The Original Instruction Manual for the M16 was a Vietnam War Comic Book

M16 used in Vietnam

The M16 assault rifle was meant to revolutionize the soldier, giving him a powerful, lightweight, and flexible all-in-one weapon. With the stopping power and accuracy…

The Hilltop Bomber Crash Of A B-29 Superfortress in 1951: A Timeline of Events

Boeing B-29A Superfortress

In 1951 a B-29 Superfortress experiencing mechanical issues crashed into a Denver neighborhood, wiping out multiple houses and claiming a number of lives. The devastating…

Pepsi Once Had the 6th Largest Navy in the World

Nikita Krushchev and Richard Nixon drinking Pepsi at the American National Exhibition + Three Russian battleships sailing in the ocean + Pepsi logo

Pepsi is one of the most iconic American brands in the world, and you’re bound to start an argument over whether it or Coca-Cola is…

Meet The Tanks Worthy Enough To Be Named After General Patton

Patton Tanks

Since WW2 US vehicles have been named after notable American historical figures, but this ongoing tradition of the US’ tank names was actually started by…