Early Modern | War History

The Battle For Spices and Control Over The Most Important Naval Trade Route

In 1509, a major conflict during the Portuguese naval expansion in the Indian Ocean would pit the Portuguese Empire against a powerful alliance. Portugal’s hunger…

Top 10 True Innovations of the Civil War

You often hear about how the Civil War brought submarines, iron-clad ships, or the telegraph into play, but that’s not exactly true. While they are…

Three Medieval Crusades in North Africa

Andrew Knighton

The word “crusade” normally evokes images of war in the Middle East, with European crusaders fighting Muslim Arabs. But crusades took place all over Europe…

American Civil War: How The South Could Have Won (Watch)

General Lee’s army surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865 ending the American Civil War. It had been one of the bloodiest conflicts…

10 Deadliest Battles Of The American Civil War

The American Civil War is a devastating mark on the country’s history. The number of lives lost was substantial, and the social and economic repercussions,…

Charles the Bold, Burgundy’s Flawed Reforming Warlord

Andrew Knighton

Charles the Bold was a man who could have changed the face of Europe. Inheriting the Valois duchy of Burgundy in 1467, he was one…

Circling the 15th Century Wagons: The Hussite Wars

Andrew Knighton

One of the strangest military formations ever seen in Europe, Hussite war wagons struck fear into their opponents during the early 15th century. Fighting under…

The Crusade of Varna

In the beginning of the 15th century, the Crusader army went deep into the realms conquered by the Ottomans and fought them in several bloody…

The Brutal Reality of Naval Warfare in the Hundred Years War

Andrew Knighton

War at sea in the Middle Ages could be a terrible business. Rather than a firefight between ships, it consisted of fierce boarding actions with…

The Children’s Crusade – Peacefully converting the Muslim population of the Middle East into Christianity?

Nikola Budanovic

In 1212 a crusade was allegedly led by children in the hope of peacefully converting the Muslim population of the Middle East into Christianity, thus…

The Fall Of This City Paved The Way For Arab Conquests, All The Way Into Spain

On the 19th of September, 634, the city of Damascus fell into the hands of the growing Caliphate. Its conquest was a turning point in…

How Medieval Crusaders Thought and Felt About Their Wars

A knight stands on the walls of Jerusalem, staring out at the parched land beyond the city. He is weary from weeks of travel and…