Early Modern | War History

The Battle of Arsuf – To Win the Day, One Man Must Defy His Own King

Malcolm Higgins

Beneath the relentless beating of the midday sun, under a seemingly endless rain of arrows, The Grand Master’s patience had all but run out. Garnier…

Krak des Chevaliers – The Impenetrable Castle, Captured With A Single Sheet of Paper

Malcolm Higgins

A hulking edifice of sun-bleached stone, Krak des Chevaliers loomed against a clear blue sky. How many men had died to hold those walls, and…

10 Surprising Facts About the American Civil War

The American Civil War was fought from April 12th, 1861 to May 9th, 1865 between the Confederate States and the Union. Most believe it was…

Single Combat At The Siege of Bayonne, 1131AD

Jack Beckett

Pedro de Lara was bored. His had lived a full life, a life of personal pride and skill at arms, of politics, wine and of…

A Bloody New Year – Battle of Stones River In The American Civil War

It was cold at the turning of the year in Murfreesboro, right in the middle of the state of Tennessee. The little town nestled under…

The Night Attack – Vlad the Impaler ambushes the Ottoman Sultan

Jack Beckett

Mehmet II, known as Mehmet the Conqueror, was one of the greatest military commanders of his day. The Ottoman Empire under his rule was vast,…

The 6 Most Fascinating Pieces Of Technology Used In The American Civil War

Wars throughout the decades have been accelerators of new technology. However, looking at the American Civil War, it is not what we see today. The…

Sappers and Siege engines – Ivan the Terrible Conquers The city of Kazan

Jack Beckett

The army had been in place under the city walls for weeks. Ivan the Fourth, Tsar of all the Russians, accompanied his force in the…

The 4 Types of Men Who Fought for Napoleon

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

When The Country Fell Apart During The American Civil War, So Did West Point

When the country fell apart, West Point was not immune to the bitterness and divisive political atmosphere. Most of the commanders on both sides of…

The beginning of the end for the Teutonic Knights, Grunwald 1410

Jack Beckett

For more than two hundred years the might of the Order of Teutonic Knights had been steadily growing. It was forged in 1190, in the…

The Battle of Pliska – a Byzantine military disaster

Andrew Knighton

Though they clung to the name of the Roman Empire, the Byzantines never achieved the glory of their predecessors. Theirs was an empire in slow…