Early Modern | War History

Even in The USA, There Are Still Many Things Folks Don’t Know Too Much About The American Civil War

The American Civil War was fought from April 12, 1861, to May 9, 1865, between the Confederate States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina,…

Wargames From Medieval Tournaments

The heart of the high medieval army was its knights and men-at-arms, heavily armoured soldiers from wealthy backgrounds who often fought from horseback. Using lances…

A New Breed of Soldier: How the French Revolution Made Napoleon’s Career Possible

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power marked the death knell of the French Revolution. His autocratic government ended the attempts at increased democracy that had shaken…

7 Ways English Lords Fought Against Welsh Raiders

Throughout the 13th century, there was conflict in the border region between England and Wales. This area, known as the Welsh March, contained both English…

Samurai, Ninja, Ronin, And More – Seven Different Warrior Classes Of Feudal Japan

Andrew Knighton

Feudal Japan is remembered as the era of the samurai. Like the knights of feudal Europe, they were the expensively equipped warrior aristocracy. They were,…

Nine Rules of the Medieval Templar Knights

Andrew Knighton

The Order of the Knights Templar was one of the most feared and powerful military institutions of the Middle Ages. Strict rules reinforced their courage,…

The Birth of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the American Civil War

The recruitment of African-American soldiers was one of the most important moments in the American Civil War. In practical terms, it provided soldiers for the…

Hipster Before His Time: General Burnside – The Swashbuckling Union General Who Pioneered Sideburn

What do a rifle, various railroads, the American Civil War, the Franco-Prussian War, the National Rifle Association, and sideburns have in common? Here is the…

The Causes Of The English Civil Wars – Some Of The Most Destructive Conflicts In British History

By Guest Blogger Jemahl Evans The English Civil Wars (there were three, involving all the nations of the British Isles) were some of the most destructive…

The United States Navy’s First Submarine – Lost at Sea

The USS Alligator was the first known submarine of the United States Navy. But it wasn’t the first American submarine. That was the “Turtle,” a…

Things to Know About Spies in the American Civil War Including the Secret Line

The use of spying in the American Civil War was widespread. Neither the North or the South had a centralized agency to handle these matters.…

Who Is Cooter Brown and What Does “Drunker Than Cooter Brown” Mean?

Have you ever heard the phrase “Drunker than Cooter Brown”? If you haven’t, now’s your chance to learn it and if you have, you’ll find…