Early Modern | War History

Seven Of The Most Famous Knights of the Middle Ages – Warriors, Scholars, Great Leaders Of Men

Andrew Knighton

Medieval knights were among the celebrities of their day – warriors, leaders, and scholars. They became figures of romance and inspiration, giving them a special…

Napoleon’s Great Military Innovations Might Not Have Been As Original They Seemed

The success of Napoleon Bonaparte stands as a testament to his extraordinary talent as a general. For twenty years, his armies dominated the battlefields of…

A New Breed of Soldier: How the French Revolution Made Napoleon’s Career Possible

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power marked the death knell of the French Revolution. His autocratic government ended the attempts at increased democracy that had shaken…

“Damn the Torpedoes, Go Ahead” – The Battle of Mobile Bay

The Battle of Mobile Bay was a naval battle of the American Civil War, which held great strategic importance in the summer of 1864. It was…

Frank Baldwin Received The Medal Of Honor Twice, Once For Fighting The Confederates And Again For Fighting The Native Americans

Receiving the Medal of Honor for valor in combat puts one in the hallowed company of but a few thousand individuals to ever grace the…

The Knights Templar – The Rise and Fall of the Greatest Crusader Order

Malcolm Higgins

A crimson cross emblazoned on a white background; a simple design, perhaps, but behind it lies one of the most remarkable stories in the history…

Richard the Lionheart’s Secret Weapon During the Third Crusade

Greg Jackson

During the Third Crusade, the city of Acre (today in Israel) was surrounded. Occupying the city was a Muslim garrison, besieged by a Christian army,…

The Tide Turns – One Battle Ended the Seemingly Unstoppable Mongol Invasion

Malcolm Higgins

There are few military forces more infamous and renowned in history than the Mongolian armies of the 13th Century. They swept through Asia and into…

The United States Navy’s First Submarine – Lost at Sea

The USS Alligator was the first known submarine of the United States Navy. But it wasn’t the first American submarine. That was the “Turtle,” a…

The American Civil War – The Union Told All The European Countries If They Recognized The Confederacy’s Legitimacy, It Was Equal To Declaring War Against The Union

By the beginning of the American Civil War, the United States was a little more than 50 years of age. They had started to develop relationships…

The Night Attack – Vlad The Impaler Ambushes The Ottoman Sultan

Jack Beckett

Mehmet II, known as Mehmet the Conqueror, was one of the greatest military commanders of his day. The Ottoman Empire under his rule was vast,…

The Battle Of Marignano: The Reason For Almost 500 Years Of Swiss Neutrality

In November of 2016, Switzerland will have had a strict policy of neutrality for five centuries. Even during the World Wars, Switzerland was able to…