Early Modern | War History

Nine Rules of the Medieval Templar Knights

Andrew Knighton

The Order of the Knights Templar was one of the most feared and powerful military institutions of the Middle Ages. Strict rules reinforced their courage,…

Napoleon made huge changes to warfare – he was one of the most influential generals in history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most influential generals in history. Combining the ideas of the foremost military theorists of his era with the study…

Napoleon Bonaparte: A military life – one of the most successful generals in military history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most successful generals in military history. Through skill as a military commander, he made himself the ruler of a…

Napoleon’s Imperial Guard – Elite Soldiers Who Served The Emperor

The Imperial Guard were the most famous soldiers in Napoleon Bonaparte’s army. An elite core of fighting men, they held a special place in the…

The Meat Grinder Of War – Why The Napoleonic Wars Cost So Many Lives

The Napoleonic Wars involved staggering numbers of men injured and killed. From 6% casualties at Fleurus in 1792 to 15% at Austerlitz in 1806. There…

Napoleon Changed His World, And Ours, In Many Different Ways

Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the most influential figures in European history. Two hundred years after his short-lived Empire collapsed, the world continues to be…

Napoleon: The Great General Also Used Propaganda to Boost His Popularity

Napoleon Bonaparte was a man of great talent. A skilled general, a cunning politician, and a charismatic leader of men. Another reason why his image…

Defeating The Russians At The Battle of Borodino Became Hollow Victory For Napoleon

On September 7, 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the Russian army at Borodino. It was the battle he had been seeking since invading Russia earlier in…

The Driving Force Behind A Conqueror – Napoleon’s Great And Powerful Armies

The armies of Napoleon Bonaparte were some of the most successful the world has ever seen. What made them so great? Dedication The men following…

Bedford Castle In Early England Is Now Completely Gone, But A Game-Changing Medieval Siege Took Place There In 1224

Civil wars and revolts were common in medieval England. Without elections to decide between opposing leaders and policies, violence became the answer. As in modern…

The Knights Templar – Spectacular Rise And Fall Of A Legendary Order

The Knights Templar were the first and the most famous European warrior Order founded during the Crusades. From their bases in Europe and the Holy…

The Long, Hard Fight – It Took Seven Coalitions To Defeat Napoleon At Last

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most successful generals in history. Despite most of Europe opposing him, he expanded the French empire from the Atlantic…