Early Modern | War History

Seven Reasons Why Napoleon Should Have Lost in Italy

From 1792 to 1797, France fought a multi-fronted war against the First Coalition, the first of many attempts to bring the revolutionary nation to heel.…

The 4 Types of Men Who Fought for Napoleon

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

“Hell Roaring Mike”: A Highly Respected American Commander At Sea

Michael Augustine Healy was the first African-American man to command a US ship. He was well known and well respected for his actions off the…

7 Ways English Lords Fought Against Welsh Raiders

Throughout the 13th century, there was conflict in the border region between England and Wales. This area, known as the Welsh March, contained both English…

A New Breed of Soldier: How the French Revolution Made Napoleon’s Career Possible

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power marked the death knell of the French Revolution. His autocratic government ended the attempts at increased democracy that had shaken…

Wargames From Medieval Tournaments

The heart of the high medieval army was its knights and men-at-arms, heavily armoured soldiers from wealthy backgrounds who often fought from horseback. Using lances…

The Black Dispatches From the Civil War Spies

The typical Southern officer’s opinion of African Americans was that they were an inferior subhuman race, lacking in intelligence or cunning. Their ignorance and subsequent…

True Innovations of the Civil War

You often hear about how the Civil War brought submarines, iron-clad ships, or the telegraph into play, but that’s not exactly true. While they are…

The Civil War Photographer that Time Forgot: Alexander Gardner

When people remember famous Civil War photographers, they think of one name in particular; and “Alexander Gardner” is not it. However, a significant number of…

The Many Lives of The US Ship Harriet Lane, Which Fired the First Shot of the American Civil War

Late in the day on April 11th, 1861, the ship Nashville was sailing past Charleston harbor. The crew could see a fleet of ships at…

Mary Edwards Walker: The Only Woman Ever To Be Awarded The Medal Of Honor

Mary Edwards Walker lived a life full of excitement and courage, forging paths during a time when feminism was largely unheard of, and the country…

The First Native American General Wrote The Appomattox Surrender In The Civil War

How hard would you work to make a change in this world? How many times would you take rejection before giving up? Ely Parker, the…