Early Modern | War History

The Army Itch And 7 Other Scary Civil War Maladies Which Make Us Thankful For Modern Medicine

Disease accounted for the deaths of 65% of Union soldiers and 62% of Confederates during the Civil War. Those high numbers beat out all other…

12 Battles That Defined the Crusades – Brutal Times

Greg Jackson

The Crusades, Christian Europe’s attempt to drive back other nations and religions, were among the most ambitious and badly thought out campaigns in military history.…

The Battle of Stoney Creek – A Minor Fight That Changed History

In the early 1800s, two US generals tried to invade Canada. They might have succeeded, too, except for a peculiar handicap – their inability to…

Frank Baldwin Received The Medal Of Honor Twice, Once For Fighting The Confederates And Again For Fighting The Native Americans

Receiving the Medal of Honor for valor in combat puts one in the hallowed company of but a few thousand individuals to ever grace the…

Death In Single Combat Outside The Castle Walls – The Queen’s Consort Reaches The End His Life

Jack Beckett

Pedro de Lara was bored. His had lived a full life, a life of personal pride and skill at arms, of politics, wine and of…

A Bloody New Year – The Massive American Civil War Battle of Stones River

It was cold at the turning of the year in Murfreesboro, right in the middle of the state of Tennessee. The little town nestled under…

The Night Attack – Vlad The Impaler Ambushes The Ottoman Sultan By Sneaking Right Into The Enemy Camp Alone

Jack Beckett

Mehmet II, known as Mehmet the Conqueror, was one of the greatest military commanders of his day. The Ottoman Empire under his rule was vast,…

Sappers And Siege Engines – Ivan The Terrible Conquers The city Of Kazan

Jack Beckett

The army had been in place under the city walls for weeks. Ivan the Fourth, Tsar of all the Russians, accompanied his force in the…

The Slave Who Stole A Confederate Ship, Met President Lincoln & Bought His Master’s House

In 1862, Robert Smalls stole a Confederate ship, gave it to the Union Army, freed slaves, and met President Abraham Lincoln. After the war, he…

The Many Types Of Ships Used In The Napoleonic Wars

It is a common misconception that the Navies of the Napoleonic Wars used only massive ships, crewed by hundreds of men, which would slowly close and…

The Pressing of American Seamen And The War of 1812

Imagine yourself as an American sailor; the year is 1804. You are 30 years old, born in 1774, and have spent most of your adult…

Medieval Warhorses – Incredible Power On The Battlefield, Incredible Value Off The Battlefield

The warhorse was a vital part of the European medieval military machine. Cavalry charges by heavily armored knights made horseback attacks a terrifying part of…