Early Modern | War History

Seven Of The Most Famous Knights of the Middle Ages – Warriors, Scholars, Great Leaders Of Men

Medieval knights were among the celebrities of their day – warriors, leaders, and scholars. They became figures of romance and inspiration, giving them a special…

These Six Civil Wars Shaped The Bloody And Warlike History Of Medieval England

Medieval England was a warlike place – so much so that the cliché of an Englishmen abroad was that of a violent thug. Though their…

The Battle Of Agincourt – A Massive Victory For The English When All The Odds Were Against Them

The Battle of Agincourt is an iconic moment in English military history. On 25 October 1415, an army of English raiders under Henry V faced…

These Three Conflicts Paved The Way For The ‘War To End All Wars’ – WWI

The First World War was devastating in its scope and utterly unlike what national leaders expected. As such, it was seen by many as an…

These Twelve Battles Were Defining Moments In The History Of The Crusades

The Crusades, Christian Europe’s attempt to drive back other nations and religions, were among the most ambitious and badly thought out campaigns in military history.…

The Rules Of Chivalry Were So Important In Medieval Society, But Breaking The Rules Was Almost As Important

In the Middle Ages, chivalry was more than just a name for polite behavior. It was a set of rules meant to limit the actions…

The Drafts – Building The Armies Of The American Civil War

In America, the draft is a controversial subject. Many people support it, as they feel it is necessary for a country at war, while many…

Ironclad Warships Battle it Out – The Battle of Hampton Roads In The Civil War

The Battle of Hampton Roads was an American Civil War battle fought at the meeting point of three rivers very close to Chesapeake Bay. A showdown…

Battle of the Crater: Disastrous Battle for the Union in the American Civil War

Colonel Delavan Bates waited 27 years to receive his Medal of Honor. He was awarded the prestigious accolade in 1891 for “gallantry in action where…

Undersea Stealth: The First Submarines To Ever Sink Ships – In The American Civil War

The submarines of the United States Civil War were not the first to appear on the sea. The successful use of submersibles dates to Alexander…

How the Royal Navy kept order, Through Caning, Flogging, and Hanging

By the end of the 18th century, the wooden walls of England, as her Navy was so often called, was comprised of one of the…

Ultimately, Napoleon Did Not Achieve His Ambitions – Here Are Eight Reasons Why He Failed

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest commanders in military history. Under his command, French forces crossed the length of Europe, leveling empires and bringing…