Early Modern | War History

The 4 Types of Men Who Fought for Napoleon – Not All Wanted To

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

A Game-Changing Medieval Siege

Civil wars and revolts were common in medieval England. Without elections to decide between opposing leaders and policies, violence became the answer. As in modern…

What Happened To Prisoners Of War In Medieval England

Every medieval English monarch had to decide how to deal with prisoners of war. Ruling over territory that sometimes ran from the highlands of Scotland…

Civil Wars That Shaped Medieval England

Andrew Knighton

Medieval England was a warlike place – so much so that the cliché of an Englishmen abroad was that of a violent thug. Though their…

Invading The Land Of The Pharaohs – Napoleon Comes To Conquer

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was his last great military campaign before seizing power as First Consul of France. Despite being a disaster, it helped him…

The Janissaries – An Elite Ottoman Army Unit Who Became Public Enemy No1

The walls of Vienna trembled on 27th of September, 1529, as strange music echoed close by. The sound of hundreds of drums stopped the heartbeats…

Civil War Spies: The Secret, Underground Peace Societies Of The American Civil War

Though we may think of the South as a unified place in which the Confederacy was born and fought for, it was a place divided…

A New Breed of Soldier: How the French Revolution Made Napoleon’s Career Possible

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power marked the death knell of the French Revolution. His autocratic government ended the attempts at increased democracy that had shaken…

7 Ways English Lords Fought Against Welsh Raiders

Andrew Knighton

Throughout the 13th century, there was conflict in the border region between England and Wales. This area, known as the Welsh March, contained both English…

Even in The USA, There Are Still Many Things Folks Don’t Know Too Much About The American Civil War

The American Civil War was fought from April 12, 1861, to May 9, 1865, between the Confederate States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina,…

5 Types of Wargames From Medieval Tournaments

Andrew Knighton

The heart of the high medieval army was its knights and men-at-arms, heavily armoured soldiers from wealthy backgrounds who often fought from horseback. Using lances…

The Battle of Pliska – a Byzantine military disaster

Andrew Knighton

Though they clung to the name of the Roman Empire, the Byzantines never achieved the glory of their predecessors. Theirs was an empire in slow…