Early Modern | War History

The Mysterious Death of the Legendary Confederate General Stonewall Jackson

While the Battle of Chancellorsville was Robert E. Lee’s greatest victory, it was the beginning of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson’s ultimate defeat. On May 2, 1863, Confederate…

The United States Navy’s First Submarine – Lost at Sea

The USS Alligator was the first known submarine of the United States Navy. But it wasn’t the first American submarine. That was the “Turtle,” a…

Things to Know About Spies in the American Civil War Including the Secret Line

The use of spying in the American Civil War was widespread. Neither the North or the South had a centralized agency to handle these matters.…

The Mysterious Death of the Legendary Confederate General Stonewall Jackson

While the Battle of Chancellorsville was Robert E. Lee’s greatest victory, it was the beginning of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson’s ultimate defeat. On May 2, 1863, Confederate…

The Most Effective Female Spies of the American Civil War

Rose Greenhow Just before Virginia’s secession, the governor of that state John Letcher wanted to set up a spy network while he was still able…

The Battle of Edgehill, October 1642 – Both commanders hoped to force battle

War History Online presents this Guest Article by Jemahl Evans Everyone thought it would all be over by Christmas. Everyone expected a single sharp engagement and…

First African-American To Recieve The Medal Of Honor Did So With The 54th Massachusetts At Fort Wagner

Once Hollywood got a hold of war it is often impossible for the average person to separate fact from fiction.  And yet, if we look…

The United States Navy’s First Submarine – Lost at Sea

The USS Alligator was the first known submarine of the United States Navy. But it wasn’t the first American submarine. That was the “Turtle,” a…

An Age Of Brutal Conflicts – The Vikings and The Franks

Two great military forces dominated Europe in the 9th century. On the mainland was the Frankish Empire, a kingdom covering modern France and much of…

AD 732, Battle of Tours: Charles Martel the ‘Hammer’ Holds The Line Of Battle

Few Empires emerged as quickly as that of the Muslim Caliphates. Bursting out from what is now Saudi Arabia in the mid-7th century, the Islamic…

The Battle Of Marignano: The Reason For Almost 500 Years Of Swiss Neutrality

In November of 2016, Switzerland will have had a strict policy of neutrality for five centuries. Even during the World Wars, Switzerland was able to…

The Viking Mercenaries of the Byzantine Empire – The Varangian Guard

The Byzantines Hired Viking Mercenaries as Guards The relationship between the Byzantine Emperors and their Varangian Guard was a complex affair. The Byzantines were first…