Early Modern | War History

Napoleon as Augustus: How He Modelled Himself on the Roman Empire

“I am a true Roman Emperor; I am of the best race of the Caesars – those who are founders.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, 1812. Throughout…

Women of The Civil War: Wives and Sisters Who Went Onto the Battlefield Dressed As Men

The Civil War is famed for its brutal battles, its men slain on fields throughout the eastern half of the United States. It’s also a…

7 Ways Napoleon Celebrated Battlefield Courage

Napoleon Bonaparte was an inspiring figure. His greatest opponent, the Duke of Wellington, said that the French Emperor inspired such confidence that his presence at…

7 Reasons the Conquistadors Beat the Incas

Andrew Knighton

Francisco Pizarro’s conquest of the Incan empire is one of the most extraordinary achievements in military history. In the space of a single day in…

12 Battles That Defined the Crusades – Brutal Times

Andrew Knighton

The Crusades, Christian Europe’s attempt to drive back other nations and religions, were among the most ambitious and badly thought out campaigns in military history.…

5 Rules of Chivalry and How They Were Broken

Andrew Knighton

In the Middle Ages, chivalry was more than just a name for polite behaviour. It was a set of rules meant to limit the actions…

Famous Knights of the Middle Ages – Warriors, Leaders, and Scholars

Andrew Knighton

Medieval knights were among the celebrities of their day – warriors, leaders, and scholars. They became figures of romance and inspiration, giving them a special…

Jan Žižka: The Blind and Undefeated General of the Hussite Wars

Few generals throughout history can say that they were undefeated over their career, fewer still can be credited with doing so with a mob of…

How Napoleon’s Empire Empowered European Jews

The beating of war drums has seldom been a good sign for Europe’s Jewish communities. Dispersed by the endless conquests of their homeland, they were…

6 Great Women Who Inspired Napoleon

Despite sharing the gender biases common to his time, Napoleon Bonaparte’s admiration for great men extended to a few women. Though he once said that…

Battle of Agincourt – The English Really Should Have Lost, But They Won

The Battle of Agincourt is an iconic moment in English military history. On 25 October 1415, an army of English raiders under Henry V faced…

Warrior Frank Baldwin Received Two Medals of Honor, One for Fighting the Confederates & Another for Fighting the Indians

Receiving the Medal of Honor for valor in combat puts one in the hallowed company of but a few thousand individuals to ever grace the…