Early Modern | War History

5 Rules of Chivalry and How They Were Broken

Andrew Knighton

In the Middle Ages, chivalry was more than just a name for polite behaviour. It was a set of rules meant to limit the actions…

Famous Knights of the Middle Ages – Warriors, Leaders, and Scholars

Andrew Knighton

Medieval knights were among the celebrities of their day – warriors, leaders, and scholars. They became figures of romance and inspiration, giving them a special…

Jan Žižka: The Blind and Undefeated General of the Hussite Wars

Few generals throughout history can say that they were undefeated over their career, fewer still can be credited with doing so with a mob of…

How Napoleon’s Empire Empowered European Jews

The beating of war drums has seldom been a good sign for Europe’s Jewish communities. Dispersed by the endless conquests of their homeland, they were…

6 Great Women Who Inspired Napoleon

Despite sharing the gender biases common to his time, Napoleon Bonaparte’s admiration for great men extended to a few women. Though he once said that…

Battle of Agincourt – The English Really Should Have Lost, But They Won

The Battle of Agincourt is an iconic moment in English military history. On 25 October 1415, an army of English raiders under Henry V faced…

Warrior Frank Baldwin Received Two Medals of Honor, One for Fighting the Confederates & Another for Fighting the Indians

Receiving the Medal of Honor for valor in combat puts one in the hallowed company of but a few thousand individuals to ever grace the…

From The Rise Of Napoleon To The American Civil War, These Three Conflicts Paved the Way for World War I

The First World War was devastating in its scope and utterly unlike what national leaders expected. As such, it was seen by many as an…

These Four Humble Soldiers Helped Shaped Napoleon into a Great Leader

Napoleon Bonaparte was no ordinary Joe. His family were minor nobles from Corsica, and he was always destined to a more privileged life than 99%…

Fighting Joe Hooker – One of the Weirdest Generals of the American Civil War

Fighting Joe Hooker is one of the stranger figures of the American Civil War. As a general, he was aggressive in both his outlook and…

Napoleon – The Great Conqueror Should Have Lost in Italy

From 1792 to 1797, France fought a multi-fronted war against the First Coalition, the first of many attempts to bring the revolutionary nation to heel.…

The Slave Who Stole A Confederate Ship, Met President Lincoln & Bought His Master’s House

In 1862, Robert Smalls stole a Confederate ship, gave it to the Union Army, freed slaves, and met President Abraham Lincoln. After the war, he…