Early Modern | War History

Napoleon In The War For The Spanish Peninsula: A Massive Operation

The war for the Spanish Peninsula in 1807-14, was as draining to Napoleon’s military efforts as Russia was disastrous. It featured many different styles of…

Two of History’s Greatest Generals – Wellington and Grant

The Duke of Wellington and Ulysses S. Grant were two of the greatest generals of the 19th century; arguably in the whole of history. Their…

Wellington: The Great Military Leader Who Led His Armies To Victory Against Napoleon

The armies that fought against Napoleon are some of the most celebrated in British history. Under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington, they drove…

The War of The Emperor Go-Daigo

Andrew Knighton

In the early 14th century, the Japanese Emperor Go-Daigo raised an army. He sought to do what his predecessors had failed to – take control…

The Birth of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the American Civil War

The recruitment of African-American soldiers was one of the most important moments in the American Civil War. In practical terms, it provided soldiers for the…

Harriet Tubman: Former Slave Who Led Union Troops Into Battle in 1863

The American Civil War was, at its core, fought over the freedom of states to allow their citizens to keep slaves. During the conflict, many…

American Civil War: The Battle of Chancellorsville – Fighting Joe Hooker and Robert E. Lee

The Battle of Chancellorsville was one of the most important of the American Civil War. It saw one of the war’s bloodiest days of fighting,…

Fighting Joe Hooker Worked Hard To Become a General in the American Civil War

During the early days of the American Civil War, appointments of Union generals were as much about politics as skill and experience. The case of…

The Battle of Waterloo and the Final Downfall of Napoleon

Fought on June 18, 1815, the Battle of Waterloo was one of the most decisive encounters in European history. The final defeat of Napoleon ended…

Richard the Lionheart’s Secret Weapon During the Third Crusade

Shahan Russell

During the Third Crusade, the city of Acre (today in Israel) was surrounded. Occupying the city was a Muslim garrison, besieged by a Christian army,…

The Battle of Salamanca: Wellington at his Opportunistic Best

Fought on July 22, 1812, the Battle of Salamanca was a great success for the then Earl and later Duke of Wellington. Leading the British…

Building Armies in the Harsh World of Medieval England

Recruiting an army could be a difficult business in the Middle Ages. Most people’s lives consisted of farming small patches of land. When people didn’t…