Early Modern | War History

1st Louisiana Native Guard: The All Black Regiment Which Fought For The South And The North In The Civil War

Throughout American history African Americans and most people of color, including Native Americans, were traditionally discriminated against and given little opportunities in the military. Taken…

The Pressing of American Seamen And The War of 1812

Imagine yourself as an American sailor; the year is 1804. You are 30 years old, born in 1774, and have spent most of your adult…

Andersonville, The Notorious Confederate PoW Camp In The Civil War

It goes by several names, but there’s no denying the absolute horror that took place in this small location in Georgia. Andersonville and the Andersonville…

The Flaws of the Brilliant Civil War General “Stonewall” Jackson

General Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson is widely regarded as one of the greatest tactical commanders in American military history. While his solid determination to hold…

Undersea Stealth: The First Submarines To Ever Sink Ships – In The American Civil War

The submarines of the United States Civil War were not the first to appear on the sea. The successful use of submersibles dates to Alexander…

The Battle of Wavre – Ten Miles From Waterloo, Another Battle May Have Sealed Napoleon’s Fate

The long struggle of the Napoleonic wars famously culminated in the Battle of Waterloo. Undoubtedly Napoleon Bonaparte’s greatest defeat, this engagement would signal the end…

Famous Medieval Knights – Warriors, Leaders, And Scholars

Medieval knights were among the celebrities of their day – warriors, leaders, and scholars. They became figures of romance and inspiration, giving them a special…

The Battle of Stoney Creek – A Minor Fight That Changed History

In the early 1800s, two US generals tried to invade Canada. They might have succeeded, too, except for a peculiar handicap – their inability to…

The Viking Mercenaries of the Byzantine Empire – The Varangian Guard

The Byzantines Hired Viking Mercenaries as Guards The relationship between the Byzantine Emperors and their Varangian Guard was a complex affair. The Byzantines were first…

Battles Of Military History: When Fighting Spirit Overcame The Odds

Battles can be lost for a hundred different reasons. Poor numbers, unwise strategy, inferior weapons, the list goes on. But just occasionally, a fighting force…

Battle of the Crater: Disastrous Battle for the Union in the American Civil War

Colonel Delavan Bates waited 27 years to receive his Medal of Honor. He was awarded the prestigious accolade in 1891 for “gallantry in action where…

Napoleon’s Return From Exile, Rallying an Army With His Words Alone

The ranks opened suddenly, and a figure stepped into view. He was taller than many of his enemies described him. Taller and leaner, the angles of…