Early Modern | War History

AD 732, Battle of Tours: Charles Martel the ‘Hammer’ Holds The Line Of Battle

Few Empires emerged as quickly as that of the Muslim Caliphates. Bursting out from what is now Saudi Arabia in the mid-7th century, the Islamic…

The Great Military Men Who Inspired The Young Napoleon Bonaparte

From an early age, Napoleon Bonaparte showed the ambition and intelligence that would eventually make him the emperor of half of Europe. As a child,…

When A Bloody Medieval War Was Fought Because Of A Bucket Full of Treasure

Shahan Russell

In 1325, two armies clashed near what is today the Italian town of Castello di Serravalle in the region of Emilia-Romagna. It was a huge…

The Tide Turns On The Unstoppable Mongol Invasion

There are few military forces more infamous and renowned in history than the Mongolian armies of the 13th Century. They swept through Asia and into…

The Most Effective Female Spies of the American Civil War

Rose Greenhow Just before Virginia’s secession, the governor of that state John Letcher wanted to set up a spy network while he was still able…

The Battle Of Marignano: The Reason For (Almost) 500 Years Of Swiss Neutrality

In November of 2016, Switzerland will have had a strict policy of neutrality for five centuries. Even during the World Wars, Switzerland was able to…

Powerful Orders Of Medieval Knights And What Made Each One Distinct

Combining knightly warfare and a monastic lifestyle, the knightly crusading orders were one of the strongest institutions of medieval Europe. Through them, men sought a…

The Battle of Wavre – Ten Miles From Waterloo, Another Battle May Have Sealed Napoleon’s Fate

The long struggle of the Napoleonic wars famously culminated in the Battle of Waterloo. Undoubtedly Napoleon Bonaparte’s greatest defeat, this engagement would signal the end…

The Longbow: Its Rise and Dominance

The growing effectiveness of metal armor created a challenge for medieval soldiers. While the elite of knights and men-at-arms were now well protected, the majority…

The Awesome Power of Charlemagne, Who Built His Empire and Conquered Half of Europe

How many kings can say that their name was emblazoned across the map? The most successful ruler ever seen in Dark Age Europe, Charlemagne –…

An Age Of Brutal Conflicts – The Vikings and The Franks

Two great military forces dominated Europe in the 9th century. On the mainland was the Frankish Empire, a kingdom covering modern France and much of…

From the Vikings to Vietnam – Five Wars in Which Drugs Fuelled the Fighting

Drugs have a long history as part of war. These days, their main role is a medicinal one, but down the centuries they have often…